Chapter 27

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After that disaster of an interview, Keith is just happy to be home. Instead of relieving some stress, Nyma only added more to Keith's already aching shoulders. Fuck. This is not the time to be having doubtful thoughts in his fiance. Nyma threw a wrench in the plan and now the idol is left pacing his apartment on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

His minds at war with itself, one side screaming not to listen to Nyma's suggestion and the other telling him to investigate. What if she knew something that he didn't? What if there's a scandal overseas that was hasn't made it to Seoul? Nyma is a transfer after all... but from where? Maybe from the American branch? She didn't look foreign... Well maybe a little, but Keith could just be overthinking this.

She's just some stupid drama reporter. It's her job to stir up drama, right?! Right?

Keith's phone buzzes on the coffee table with a ding of a message. He freezes and slowly looks over, hesitation overcoming him. Why is he so scared to check his phone? He couldn't tell you and neither could I. Taking in a slow, measured breath and exhaling slowly, the idol approaches the device with caution. Not knowing what he'll find, he picks it up and types in the password. He's met with a message from Lance.

His heart cracks and splits into two. Half of him is floating from the rush of chemicals signaling love whilst the other is sinking. Like sinking to the bottom of the ocean and being tethered to a block of cement knowing you're gonna die. This sudden wave of emotions is suffocating. Why is he letting Nyma get to him?

His phone buzzes again, another text from Lance. Fighting the tightness in his chest and dryness on his tongue, Keith opens the messenger. This is such a simple task, why am I struggling?

The first message is lengthy, full of wedding stuff and ideas. This isn't what he needs right now. The second message the typical question of how Keith's day is going and what he's doing for the rest of the day. News flash: the day is going horribly. The dryness and tightness is quickly joined by the sensation and noise of the idol's own heartbeat pounding in his ears. He wanted the feeling of dread and worry to leave but it stays, lingering thick in the air around him.

What did that girl do to him?

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, Nyma got into Keith's head. All she had to do was question Lance's faithfulness. All she had to say was that there's a possibility. That possibility shouldn't be a thing and it's not... It's not real. Lance loves Keith, he proposed. He's excited about the wedding. He's texting Keith, asking him about possibilities for the wedding. There's no way that he'd cheat. . . right?

Keith's fingers move faster than his crowded brain. Hitting the call button then speaker before dropping the phone back on the table. The sound of that horrible dialing noise fills the Korean's ears, allowing him catch up the situation. His knees feel weak once the third dial tone charms, filling the silent air. Gripping the couch, Keith manages to almost sit before ultimately collapsing into the usually comfortable space.

The fourth dial tone ring gets cut sort by Lance's worn voice, "Hey, did you see my idea for the wedding? I thought you'd-"

Keith's voice comes out as more of a whisper, "Sssshh.. Not now."

Almost immediately there's a shift in Lance's voice and attitude. He may be almost six thousand miles away but that changes nothing. He can tell immediately that somethings wrong, "Keith? Are you okay?"

No.. No I'm not.

Keith can speak. His chest is burning, is lungs feel like they're barely expanding, as he takes shallower more shaky breaths. He thought hearing Lance would fix this. In reality, it might've made this worse.

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