Chapter 30

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It got slow at work today so I wrote some of this while hiding behind candles. Let's hope I don't get trouble!.... At home: my manager talked to me about phone usage. Sad days.

Somewhere in the night, Keith dozed off for a few hours. Of course it only felt like a few minutes once he lifted his head back up off of Lance's shoulder. After blinking a few times a rubbing the sleep away from his eyes with his free hand- the other holding onto Lance- he went back to his search. Turning them to the left so its easier to read and reach the documents, Keith sighs to himself. He's tired but will not doze back off... Or at least that's what he's telling himself.

Lance stirs on his lap as Keith flips a paper over. He stills, letting his eyes scan the paragraphs while he listens for a sound of the other waking up. Lance murmurs something not really audible. It's probably just sleep talk. Turning his attention away from the contract, Keith runs a hand through Lance's hair in hopes that it might sooth him. With the movement and murmurs, he could swear that Lance was just fucking with him and was awake. But nope, he's actually just sleep talking.

After the room falls silent, Keith goes back to the search.


"Hey, has Keith gotten up yet?" Pidge asks through the phone, "I texted and called him and got no answer."

Shiro looks at the clock before replying, "No idea. I haven't seen or heard anything from him since last night."

"Can you go check on him, I'm leaving my place now to pick him up. He has shit to do today."


"Thanks," Pidge replies, hanging up.

Shiro sighs and gets up. He heads up to Keith's room, half expecting to find him and Lance screwing. Knocking on the door he calls out, "You two awake?"

No answer.
Okay... Strange...

"Keith? Lance?" Shiro knocks again before opening the door, covering his eyes for that just in case, "I'm coming in."

It's still silent.

Letting his hand fall, Shiro looks around the room. No one. Bed empty, bathroom empty, no one in the closet. He opens the blinds to the balcony and see's nobody. His inner dad comes out for a moment as a tinge of panic hits him. He never saw either of them leave this morning and he's been up since 7... It's almost 10.

"Okay, calm down," Shiro talks to himself as he walks down to the second floor, "They have to be somewhere in the house."

I'd be a horrible father.

Shoving aside that thought, he proceeds to go door to door, checking every room. Finally he reaches the home office. Opening the door, he immediately spots the pair. They're out cold, snoring softly. The desk light is still on, contract still out, phones still resting on the side of the desk.

With a sigh, Shiro walks over to them. Placing his hands on each of their shoulders closest to him, he gives them a little shake, "Hey, sleepyheads, wake up."

Keith jolts awake, whilst Lance groans softly and buries his head deeper into the crook of Keith's neck. Wiping away sleep, Keith blinks a few times and looks up at Shiro, "What time is it?"

"Time for you to get up," Shiro states, "Pidge called me and told me to check on you," He looks to the desk a spots the contract, "I see you had a busy night."

"Wha..?" Keith raises a brow but then remembers he spent most of the night digging through the contract, "Oh, yeah.."

"Care to explain?"

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