Chapter 7

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Later in the evening, Lance steps away from his family and the madness to answer a call. Sitting on the couch with his family surrounding him and Keith practically being onto of him, his phone started ringing.

"Ignore it!" Rachel says.

"It could be work related," Lance replies, checking his phone. He reads the contact and name and taps Keith to let him up.

Walking into the kitchen, Lance answers the phone, "Hey, Hunk. Whats up?"

"You will not believe what I got lined up for you and Keith!" Hunk shouts through the phone.

Lance leans against the counter, "What is it?"

"Every talk show is trying to book you guys for an interview. So I-"

"You didn't."

"I did," Hunk replies, a light tapping noise picks up im the call as he continues, "No need to worry about scheduling. I already talked with Pidge and we-"



Lance sighs and runs his free hand through his dark locks, "Thank you for all of this but.."

"You're not sure if you're ready?"

"Yeah," Lance closes his eyes for moment, "It's just still so soon... Like yeah, it was a month ago and thats like an eternity ago in the business but I just-"

"It's a big step, I know."

"Yeah, and I'm not really sure how I feel about all this yet."

"I'll see if I can cancel them-"

"No, don't," Lance sighs, "Maybe push some of the interviews back a bit? If possible. I just need time to sit down and talk with Keith about this."

"Okay," Hunk replies with an audible smile, "Just make sure you're comfortable and happy, buddy!"

"I will," Lance smiles, "I'll call you later, Hunk."

"Alright, I look forward to it!"

"M'kay, bye."

"Bye, be safe!"

"You too," Lance replies, hanging up the call.

He shoves his phone into his pocket and goes to the other side of the Island. Opening the wine fridge he grabs a bottle and a glass and pours himself a drink. Downing it fast, he pours himself another.

Keith has gotten all peopled out and worried about Lance. He excuses himself and walks into the kitchen. Seeing Lance open the wine fridge, Keith leans against a nearby wall and watches him. After seeing how fast he downed that first glass, Keith decides to say something.

"What are doing?" Keith asks, arms crossed.

"Drinking," Lance replies, taking a quick sip of his second glass, "Want some?"

Keith waves his hand, 'no', "No thanks."

Keith watches Lance down the second glass and pour another one. The Korean pushes himself off the wall and walks over to his lover. Placing a hand on Lance's lower back, Keith rubs comforting small circles in his back. He leans forward and studies the other's face.

"You okay?" Keith ponders.

Downing yet another glass, like they were shots, Lance nods and pours and forth, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Uh-huh.." Keith looks Lance up and down, "So who called?"


"What did he want?"

Lance downs the glass and decides to just drink from the bottle at this point. Sipping the wine from the bottle like a true alcoholic Lance finally replies, "Interviews."



"Our Engagement?"

"Mmhmm," Lance takes another sip.


Lance laughs, "That's an appropriate reaction."

Keith watches in concern as Lance down the rest of the bottle. Keith stands in front of the wine fridge to make sure Lance can't get more. The latter know exactly what's happening and isn't happy about.

"Move." Lance says, alcohol coming off of his breath.

Keith crosses his arms and shakes his head, "No."

Lance rolls his eyes, "Please?"


Doing what any cliché drunk person would do, Lance pins Keith against counter, add gets unbelievably close to him. Lips only inches away from eachother, Lance looks down at Keith's soft pink lips then back into his deep purple eyes, "Keith."

Keith gulps, and stands his ground, "Lance, we aren't doing this."

"Oh, but we are."

Keith pushes Lance off of him and up against the counter behind the American. Looking into Lance's deep blue eyes, Keith grounds himself. He puts on his dad voice that he's been practicing in secret for years, "Lance, we're going to step away from the wine fridge and go upstairs, okay?"

Lance grimaces, "How about we grab another bottle then go upstairs."

"No," Keith keeps eye contact, "We're not grabbing another bottle."


"I don't want you drunk right now."

"Well, I do," Lance replies, "So how about you step aside and-"

"What's done is done."


"I told you this already," Keith explains, "You can't change what you've done, you can only deal with the outcomes."

"I choose to deal with the outcomes with alcohol."

"No!" Keith furrows his brow, "You are not getting drunk because the industry wants some interviews! Remember what I said, 서방님. We'll face everything together."

"How about we get drunk together then?"

"Lance," Keith groans, "We are grown adults. Let's use healthy coping mechanisms and not alcohol, for our problems."

Lance practically whines, "But it's so much easier!"

Keith shakes his head, "Do you regret proposing to me on stage?"

Lance goes silent. Thats the only answer Keith needs. Backing away, Keith nods, biting his lip. He looks down at the engagement ring on his finger. Looking between Lance and the ring, Keith makes a pained face. Slowly slipping it off his finger  and placing it on the counter, he turns to Lance, "Come talk to me when you're sober and serious about getting married."

Keith turns and walks towards the archway that leads out to the foyer. Lance reaches out and stops him, "Keith, I-"

"Save it," Keith huffs, shaking away Lance's grip. The Korean swiftly moves through the foyer and upstairs, leaving Lance alone.

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