Side Story #2

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Here we go... more angry Shiro and cute Matt.

Also, I apologize for the sassy gay bartender trope. I already know its gonna offend people, but as a gay myself I find it hilarious... even though is very... yikes.

Walking into the old club the pair sees a few familiar faces along with a lot of new ones. After a moment they get waved over by the bartender, "Matthew! Shiro! Is that you?!" They walk over and are greeted by their friend, "My God it is! How have you been?!"

Matt and Shiro take a seat at the bar. Matt takes the lead in the conversation, "Great! Great! Well I've been... great." He leans in a lowers his voice, "This one, got broken up with by his girl soo.."

"Ooooh.. thats rough."

Shiro crosses his arms and scowls, "I can here you."

The bartender begins to make a drink for Shiro, "You know girls ain't shit. Why'd you even go for a.. girl."

"She was- is nice!" Shiro exclaims as his friend slides him the drink. He downs it fast, like its a shot, "We ended things on mutual terms so its not that big of a deal."

Matt leans back towards their buddy and doesn't even try to be quiet, "She posted a picture with her and another guy on her story a few hours ago."

The bartender raises a brow and grabs another glass to pour Matt some whiskey, "How long ago did y'all break up?"

Shiro huffs and shoves his glass towards him, "A week ago."

"Oooh, honey," He whines and begins to pour Shiro some whiskey, "That's just cold."

"It gets even worse," Matt butts in, "The person the chick posted a photo with is Shiro's lil' bro's ex."

"Okay, that's just wrong," The bartender gently slams the whiskey bottle on the bar counter, "Shiro, we need to get you a man, tonight."

"Don't you think that's just too fast?" Shiro asks.

"Too fast? Too FAST?!" He puts the whiskey bottle back under the counter, "Boy, that is NOT too fast! If anything you movin' too SLOW!"

Shiro downs his whiskey and slumps down against the counter, "Really?"

"Really!" He pours Shiro a shot of something else, "That girl moved on within a WEEK. And she's a GIRL! Aren't they like supposed to mope about it for a while?"

Matthew laughs at that, "The only one moping about the breakup is Shiro."

"Shut up..." Shiro groans.

They sit in silence for a moment while the bartender makes a few more drinks for other people at the bar. Soon enough he spots a regular across the club and taps Shiro, "I think I just found someone that'll make you a whole lot happier, Shiro."

Shiro lifts his head up, "What?"

"Directly across the club, hotty-o-clock," The bartender discreetly points at the regular who is leaning up against a wall on the other side of the club, looking bored out of his mind, "He's a regular here, I think his name is Adam or something? Real cutey though, don't cha' think?"

Matt and Shiro look across the club at Adam. Matt immediately gets giddy, "Glasses! Glasses! He has glasses!"

Shiro side eyes him, "And?"

"Don't act like you don't think glasses are hot! I know for a fact you were secretly pissed when I ditched wearing mine!" Matt states.

Shiro rolls his eyes, "So what? He has glasses... whoop-de-do..."

"Oh C'MON MAN!" Matt exclaims, "We're trying!"

Their bartending friend huffs, "Yeah! At least go talk to him!"


In unison Matt and Mr. Bartender throw their heads back and whine, "WHY?!"

Shiro leans against the bar, "Because..."

Poking Shiro and hoping to get some answers, Matt presses, "Because..?"

"Because... I.."

"You're scared, aren't you?" Their friend says matter-of-factly.

Shiro looks up fast, "No! Of course not!"

"You're totally scared!" Matt smiles.

"I am not scared!"

"Anxious, maybe?" Their friend slides them both more whiskey.

"No! Just-.." Shiro looks down at the dark hardwood flooring, "I'm just... I don't know."

"You don't know? Or do you just not wanna tell us?" Matt asks, drinking his whiskey.

Shiro goes silent floor a moment, trying to choose his next words carefully, "Look, I haven't really asked anyone out before... Nor have I ever started any conversations with someone with that in mind."

"What?!" Matt and the Bartender exclaim.

"You approached me, Matt," Shiro explains, "And Allura- also... approached.. me."

"So, you have no game?" Matt questions, "Great..."

They sit in silence for a moment trying to figure out how to get Shiro to talk to Adam. Matt taps away at the counter before asking their friend, "You don't think you can get Adam to come to us?"

"I barely even know him," The bartender begins to make another drink for someone else, "And wouldn't it be weird for me to just be like, "Yo! Adam! Dude I've barely even talked to! Come over here and meet my lonely, sad-sack of a friend!""

Shiro let's the insult slide as Matt replies, "You're right. That would be odd... Hmmm... Well, maybe- nope.. well..? nooo."

Shiro turns to Matt, "What is going through that brain of yours?"

"Nothing that is plausible that could help," Matt throws himself on the counter, "God, Shiro! Why can't you just have some game?! Better yet, CONFIDENCE?!"

Shiro rolls his eyes, "At this rate I should just go home."

The youngest shakes his head, "Nah-uh! No way! You are not going home until you either A. Get that mans number, or B. Take him home with you!"

Shiro slumps down against the bar counter again, "Its not gonna happen."

"You sure?" The bartender asks.


Their friend begins to smirk, "Well, I wouldn't be so, 'sure', if I were you."

"What do you mean?" Shiro sits back up and sees his friend is staring at something. Looking over his shoulder he spots Adam walking towards them. Turning back to his friends, Shiro begins to panic, "He's coming over here!"

"He's probably thirsty!" Matt teases, "And why are you so worked up, Shiro? I thought you didn't like him."

"I never said that!"

"Well, you did make up excuse after excuse to not go talk to him."

"Shut up!"

"Okay," Matt shrugs, playfully taking that too literal.

"No! Don't shut up!" Shiro says, panicked, "Matthew, help me!"

"I'm sorry, you told me to shut up, sooo."

"Matthew, please!" Shiro begs.

"What am I going to get outta helping you?"

"You won't have to drag me out of the house anymore!"

"Hmm... Is that so?"

Shiro looks back and sees Adam is almost at the bar, "Yes!"

"Okay fine," Matt gives in, "Just chill out and don't try too hard. Take a deep breath and just strike up a conversation-"

"A conversation about what-?!"

"One old fashion, please."

Shiro tenses up hearing the voice behind him. He mouths the words, "Is that him?", to Matt. Matt smiles and nods.

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