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Taehyung sees his entire life flashed through his eyes. He sees his 5 year old self crying under a tree because his peers refuse to play with him simply because he wasn't like them.

He sees his beautiful mother, trying so hard to make him believe being different is a good a thing.

He sees himself crying when his mother died.

Taehyung use to cry for being different, the kids in the coven were fast,strong complete opposite of himself.

Then he saw the moment his father couldn't tolerate his presence anymore.

Taehyung is unconscious but he can very much make sense of his surrounding and what's happening around him like now ----

He feels the heaviness in the air, the smoke surrounding him wasn't choking him instead it was giving him some kind of relief.

Taehyung forced himself to open his eyes. His met with darkness at first then he realized his eyes were still slip shut, he tried again

"Don't force yourself" came the gentle familiar voice, then the familiar hand was on his head again, Taehyung feels the power rush through his body, his eyes opened slowly.

He's met with gentle familiar blue eyes, he looks around the unfamiliar room, it was all white, old drawings with red paints on the wall.

A big wide table with all kinds of pots and leaves was in the centre of the room. Taehyung let his eyes take in the position where he's lying. The bed he's lying on an iron bed with a mattress on, it was comfortable though.

The bed was circled with some kind of drawing all round it. Taehyung takes in a deep breath whatever was burning was making him more comfortable and relax.

"Where -?"

"In my den more like my most sacred spell room" The woman Jungkook's grandmother if he remembers correctly said dropping a squeezed leaf in a bowl before turning to him again

"Remember I said I was going to help you" She moved towards him a kind smile on her face.

Yes Taehyung remembers and he's grateful.

"You're jungkook's grandmother" He stated

She smiles "Yes, I'm Jeon Hyuna"

Taehyung nods. "How?" He asked praying the woman understand what he's asking.

"Taehyung I know you have a lot of questions, ask me anything I'll try my best to answer it all, I want you to have a full knowledge of what is happening and what we're about going into"

"I heard bits and bits still very much confuse of everything" where should he start asking? "About me be I- I'm he's destined?" he mumbled feeling shy for absolutely no reason

The older woman chuckles

"Have you ever heard of destined mates before" Taehyung shook his head, he hasn't. Werewolves from what he knows choose mates by themselves

The older woman dig into their history, by the time she was done Taehyung won't lie he was even more confuse.

Taehyung knew the Jeons are special, they have some kind of direct link and blessings from the moon goddess, the moon goddess acts faster when the tears or the blood of a Jeon is involved in any situations blah blah blah

A Jeon being the first ever werewolf entered some kind of covenant with the moon goddess. Long story short, years after years every Jeon is benefitting from that covenant made years ago by their ancestor.

Taehyung knows all these and more from the Few months he's been in the country, meaning people don't shut up about the Jeons especially Jeon Jungkook they respect and love him a lot

But Taehyung didn't know they also get a destined mate from the moon goddess that's some level of favouritism if you ask Taehyung.

"So Jeons only mate their destined?" He finally asked after seconds of swimming in his head trying hard to make sense of what the older woman is saying.

"Not necessarily my dear, some choose to wait and find their destined some didn't and in the end it's never a must or a problem but for the ones like Jungkook it's kind of a must to have their destined by their side."

Taehyung nods even though he's still very confuse, he's catching up though.

"So there were others like Jungkook?"

"Not really, but in every generation there's always a Jeon born stronger and faster, in the case of Jungkook he's born out of a foretold prophecy of what is to come, which I'll tell you all much later."

She let out a sigh moving to seat on a chair beside his bed.

"More importantly let's talk about what you are? the child in your womb and why you're this sick"

Taehyung watch her carefully, he doesn't really know this woman but he feel so much safe in her presence.

"Where are my friends" The worry for his friends is eating him up, especially Jimin, does Jimin know where he is?

"I don't know about your friends, does Jungkook know them?" Taehyung nods. "Ok then I'll try and find a way for you to talk to them cause you won't be leaving here anytime soon"

Taehyung nods cause he knows.

"Three days of... something...I heard"


"Ok" Taehyung let out a nervous chuckle especially not knowing what that entails.

And off course the woman picked up on it.

"Don't be nervous my dear, it's gonna be." she watched him with a smile clearly looking for words that won't scare him even more. She sighs again "let me not lie to you dear, it's gonna be a tough and painful experience-but" she rushed to add. "I'll give you a potion that will make you not feel half of it so don't worry too much"

Taehyung nods.

"Before we start, do you know what you are Taehyung."

Taehyung frowns, confuse, ofcourse he does why is that even a question

"A hybrid" He mumbled suddenly aware the woman in front of him could hate vampires too I mean she's a Jeon

The woman shook her head, bending a little to put her elbows on her legs eyes still fixed on him.

"No you're not, you're not a vampire Taehyung"

Taehyung wants to laugh cause what kind of joke is this, off course he's a hybrid he has fengs for crying out loud except he's never used those fengs.

"It's a lot to take in I know, it's what you've believed all your life, just listen carefully while I make you understand everything, ok?"

Taehyung forced himself to nods even though he wants to argue and even show the woman his red eyes and fengs.

He listens carefully as the woman tells him about an experiment that started even years ago.

As he listens everything started making sense, Taehyung was a born hybrid, he thought maybe that's why he was so different. Hybrids came to be mostly from been bitten.

But Taehyung wasn't bitten he was born this way.

It made sense, why the coven was the way it was, Taehyung thought the kidnapping was because some vampires could get werewolves pregnant, I mean that's how he thought he was born, but there's more, much more worst.

Taehyung was suppose to be born a vampire. Not a werewolf certainly not a hybrid. He was suppose to be added to their collection of their successful experimented product since he didn't die before birth.

But he disappointed them, he hated blood, he hated seeing blood, he hated seeing anyone hurt in return he was hated, labelled their failure.

Kept and punished to remind themselves to never repeat the mistakes that created him


Taehyung baby, me and the readers are gonna get you revenge 😩

Volunteer we going up against vampires 🤭

Don't forget to vote guys


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