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Taehyung runs as fast as he could, running for his freedom suddenly made him a fast runner. The longing to be free was bigger than his tiredness, it was bigger than the pain shooting through his entire body. It's now or never he keeps repeating in his head.

He refuses to look back, he refuses to let fear hold him back, he needed to be free.

The young boy jump through scattered sticks in the forest, dodges trees at a fast speed. His legs hurt but there's no way he is stopping.

He's more than grateful his belongings which wasn't even much was already taking to their meeting point.

Taehyung takes in a deep breath when his destination comes into view, he allows himself to smile a little cause indeed there's progress to freedom.

"Jimin! Jimin! " Taehyung managed to call out completely out of breath.

Said male comes out from hiding, holding two bags. Jimin let a relief sigh upon seeing his friend, he was beginning to think he got caught.

"Tae finally, God! I thought you got caught"

"No no I'm sorry I had to make sure no one followed me"

His friend nod handing him his bag. "Come on Tae we're running late, this is our only chance at leaving this godforsaken country"

They started running again, they were getting close to the sea and Taehyung's heart increased its pace. This is really happening after years of planning this.

"Wait Tae" Jimin said halting his movement. Before Taehyung could say anything--

"You both are late," a deep voice said. Taehyung looks behind him to see a tall man with a very long hair.

"Atsushi" Jimin called out smiling. This must be the man helping them. "We're sorry, there was a little set back"

The man hums. "Here," The man called Atsushi said handing Jimin what looks like their boarding ticket "it's the only ship loading today, I told them about you, so you won't encounter any problems"

"Thank you so much," Jimin said pulling Taehyung to leave. "I'll forever remain indebted to you"

"Jimin be careful, South Korea isn't what it used to be, it's dangerous, especially for you," The man said, eyes now fixed on Taehyung. "The new leader hates vampires"

Taehyung had to swallow back his fear, he felt Jimin's hold on him tightens. "We'll be fine, my hyung has promised to help us"

"Ok then I hope it goes well for the both of you, now go on"

"Thank you" Jimin thank him again before dragging Taehyung along with him.

The loud horn from the ship put them into another sprint

"Please wait! Jimin screams to a man that was losing the ropes tied to the ship. The man looks up with a frown.

He looks at them sceptically "You're late" he didn't wait for any response before speaking up again. "Your tickets" Jimin handed him their tickets. The man looks at it before nodding towards their bag. "What do you have in there?"

"Just our clothes" The small old bags they are holding is basically their only belongings in life.

"Ok go on"

Taehyung threw himself on Jimin the moment they boarded the ship. They were crying and laughing at the same time.

"Jimin we made it"

"Yes, Tae we did" Jimin said smiling "Come on"

They both found a secluded area and settled down, smiles never leaving their faces. Taehyung cuddled up to Jimin like he always does.

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