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Jimin sits beside Taehyung staring at his friend unwavering. He tried as much as possible not to touch him cause he was still burning up badly.

Yoongi had told him Namjoon and Hoseok will talk to Jungkook this morning to help reach out for help. He had assured him his friend will be alright and Jimin believes him cause well everyone needs a little hope in terrible circumstances

He still can't believe Taehyung is pregnant.

It had taken him hours to even grab the reality.
Taehyung is pregnant and Jimin still feel like he's in a deep long nightmare.

Who is responsible, like who? he never saw Taehyung talking to anybody in an intimate way, like how can he just get pregnant.

He should have known there was someone though, considering the amount of time Taehyung spend in front of the rest room mirror, his ever blushing cheeks. He should have known.

All he did was jokingly tease his friend about it. He should have dig in more.

But Jimin thought Taehyung would tell him something as serious as starting something with someone, they promise to tell each other everything, well that fell short

And honestly he feels betrayed, he feels left out and useless. He can't even point to the right direction of who put his friend in this mess.

All that matters now is for Taehyung to get better, the truth will surely be out.

Still Jimin can't help but wonder who it could, a vampire?.. a werewolf?.. maybe a wi

A hand on his cheek drag him from his thoughts, he didn't even know he was crying.
He blinks up to his boyfriend, yes Yoongi and him are official

"Come on let's get you something to drink" Jimin gave his boyfriend a small grateful smile, a long look at his best friend before following him outside.

Jin hyung and the doctor were deep in a conversation on the hall way when Jimin stepped out of Taehyung's hospital room.

He opened his mouth to ask his hyung if he wanted anything but a loud demanding voice stopped him

"Where is he?"

Jungkook rushed out of his car, Namjoon right behind him, the older had followed him when he left his office with a "Kook I don't know what's going on but I'm not leaving you by yourself "

Jungkook knows Namjoon's tongue was burning with questions he was grateful the older held it back cause honestly he didn't even know what to say or where to start from.

Taehyung is carrying his child, Jungkook can feel it deep down.

The plan of his little meeting with Taehyung staying a secret has been crush and buried. 

Jungkook wasn't going to deny and abandon him just cause he didn't want people to know he fucked a hybrid and was careless enough to get him pregnant 

He knows the media will eat this up, Jeon Jungkook the vampire hater knocked up a vampire, an hypocrite blah blah, there won't be an end to it.

Not that they can do anything to him, like he can fucking do what ever he wants with his private life but still....

"This way" Jungkook follows Namjoon up another hallway, not bothering to ask any questions 

he spots Jin immediately, he was in a deep conversation with a doctor.

Jungkook didn't even know when the words left his lips.

"Where is he?"

He stops in front of them, He looks to the side to see Yoongi looking at him with a confuse expression eye brow squeezed, Taehyung's friend was beside him but looks more scared than confuse, and there's Jin whose eyes were blown wide open

The doctor looked from him to his confused friends who were looking at him like he grew another head.

"The hybrid" He added

"Oh" the doctor let out still looking confuse, Jungkook let his instinct control him, he moves past all of them to a door that screams enter and Jungkook did.

The moment the door to the room Taehyung was in close, the others were pulled out from  their shocked and confuse state...

"What's going on?" Jimin asked sounding scared. "Please what's going on? Taehyung didn't do anything why is he looking for him"

Jimin voices out making them more scared than confuse, yes they wanted Jungkook to help but they all know Jungkook has no reason to be here.

Then they were rushing to the room Taehyung is in. 

Jin turns to his mate, who looks just as clueless as them, it's then he noticed the doctor had followed Jungkook.

Jungkook was left speechless when his eyes settled on who is suppose to be Taehyung, he is looking nothing like the Taehyung Jungkook has known these past months.

Jungkook stood frozen, too shocked to even move. What the fuck happened, how long has Taehyung been sick? what the fuck? 

He turned around and notice the lady Seokjin was talking to and assumes is Taehyung's doctor.

"What happened to him?" Jungkook breathes out voice thick with confusion and worry.

"I'm assuming you're one of his friend?" Jungkook just nods, just then the door opens revealing his friends, he ignores them and turned back to the doctor waiting for her to continue

"Honestly all I know is that he's pregnant but what I don't know is why he's this sick" she said shaking her head, Jungkook takes his eyes back to the hybrid. "I was just telling Seokjin-shi here that whatever is wrong with him is not a medical case or something any hospital can help with"

Jungkook nods moving towards the hybrid

"Kook" Yoongi called out worriedly. "What are you doing?" he added in their bond

Jungkook ignores reaching out his hand to touch the hybrid

"I won't advice that" Jungkook turns to the doctor. "He's been burning up non stop, I've done everything but still can't stabilize him, he needs help and fast"

Jungkook turns back to the hybrid finally let his hand touch the hybrids arm, he winced at the hotness but...

He watch the hybrid relax, feels his breathe steady, feels his burning skin cool off.

"What did you do?" The doctor asked shocked with wide eyes fixed on the monitor


Well Atleast he didn't hide away and pretend nothing happened 😎
now he has to tell his friends and grandmother.

Take care guys 

MERCILESS // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now