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Taehyung almost passed out when he was told to serve drinks in the vip section. He's worked here long enough to know who stays there.

He was the only one free and their manager just thought he has learned enough to go up to the VIP lounge.

Where the Jeon Jungkook is, not to add his first ever crush. Yes Taehyung has accepted his unfortunate fate of liking the male.

It's all good though nobody is gonna to know, he's taking this secret to his grave, thats if the feelings last that long.

Taehyung is definitely not telling Jimin although he doubts how long it will take to keep his first ever crush a secret from his friend.

It will pass, are the words he's using to console himself. There's no need to tell Jimin such a stupid thing cause it will pass.

His heart just got carried away a little from seeing such a gorgeous strong Alpha. Its just a phase he concludes.

Now the big issue is how to face him, not forgetting his friends which includes his boss that he just saw sucking his best friend's face. Heavens the universe has it out for me.

Taehyung balance the tray he was given. Takes a deep breathe before going up to the door. He takes another deep breathe, his crush scent fill up his nose making him regret even breathing.

You can do this he mentally chants before knocking then pushing the door open to go inside. He stops dead on his track when three pair of eyes falls on him.

His eyes fall on Jungkook and Taehyung just couldn't help how it widen on its on. His brain just too slow to catch up to the the situation in front of him.

"Hi Taehyung right?"

Taehyung forces his eyes to Jin hyung's mate who was offering him a kind smile. Kim Namjoon. At first Taehyung thought maybe they were related you know the Kim name? literally the only thing about his mother that he's sure of, then he found out half of South Korea's population share that name. What the hell is he thinking about?

Heavens how is he this stupid, he's been taught this over and over. Taehyung quitly bowed forcing a smile on, trying as much as possible to avoid a certain dark brown eyes.

"Yes" He said as a response to Namjoon's question " Good evening Gentlemen"

"Oh wow you got cuter" Hoseok if Taehyung remembers correctly blurt out. Making him freeze with burning cheeks. "It's your hyung hobi remember me?" The elder said with his arm wide open.

His hyung? Taehyung opened his mouth to reply probably yes but his boss beat him to it.

"Hobi let the kid be, Taehyung you can serve the drinks" Taehyung bowed trying hard to avoid his boss's eyes, heavens he was really thrown into a lions den.

He tried as much as possible to stop his shaky hands. Carefully dropping the drinks on the table followed by the bucket of ice.

"uhmm I should open them?" Taehyung managed to asked eyes glued to the table

"No don't worry about it Taehyung" Even though he was not looking at him he could still feel the smile from Namjoon's voice.

"Yeah ok" Taehyung bowed turning around to walk out when another voice stopped him.


Jungkook watch the male walked in, he could smell how nervous he was. One thing still remains unchanged he still couldn't read what's in his head

He was an omega that was sure, but his scent was weird as fuck not unpleasant just weird. Maybe because he's mixed Jungkook added in his head. Still, he's seen a lot of mixed they usually dont smell this weird.

Funny part is, his scent wasn't puting him off or anything, it was just making him want to smell it more to see if he could pin it down to a particular scent.

The male was pure mystery and jungkook couldn't help the question that came out of his mouth.

"You're a vampire but you don't drink blood?"

The male froze, turning around with wide eyes, fear intensify between his orbs.

"Kook I-" Namjoon tried

Jungkook lifts his hand to silence him, what he's doing isnt anything strange. He knows Taehyung has been registered and all the info about him is up in the base but still he likes to question people face to face especially if they are this close to where he spents most of his evenings. Also the male happens to also be a vampire?

"That was a question"

"Uhmm y-y-yes"

"Never had any urge to drink blood?" Jungkook continues


"How do you know you're vampire then?" Jungkook asked frustrated cause he has never been this invested in anyone before. Everything about the male before him just doesn't make sense, he hate being in the dark and that's exactly where he is. He doesn't fucking know anything, he can't even fucking read his bloody mind and its making him frustrated and agitated.


Jungkook felt a soft hand on his back with a soft whisper in his head. "He's close to passing out kook ease up on the kid" Hoseok said through their inner bond

Is then Jungkook noticed the male was shaking and suddenly he feels a little bad.

"You can go" Jungkook breathes out relaxing back on the chair. The hybrid rushed for the door literally running out.

"Kook what's going on? Almost thought you were gonna jump the kid" Yoongi said worriedly.

"I don't know man fuck, nothing about him makes sense, it doesn't help I can't even fucking get into his head "

His friends turned to him eyes blown wide with mouth hanging open

"What?" Namjoon is the first to manage a word

"How?" Hoseok added

And Jungkook definitely wants to know how?


Next chapter is taking a wild U turn 👀
guess what's happening next

Alrighty guys bye

MERCILESS // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now