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It's been hours of running endless tests still they couldn't find anything that is wrong with Taehyung.

Taehyung had lost consciousness immediately after vomiting blood, blood! Jimin is still trying to wrap his head around it

He can't loose Taehyung, not now, Taehyung deserves to live a happy healthy long life

Jimin and Jin followed after the doctor that just said she wants to talk to them in her office, they've been going back and forth the whole day.

"I've run out of what to check for" The doctor starts immediately they settled in her office."I mean he's a hybrid like you told me, none of these should be happening, he shouldn't be this sick"

"He's also a defect" Jimin points out, even though he hates admitting it but Taehyung lacked in most of the abilities on both side. He wasn't strong as werewolves or fast as vampires, his ability could almost be compare to humans, so there's a posiblity he could get sick as them?

"Yes, but still he isn't human and shouldn't get this sick"

"So you're saying you can't find what's wrong with him even from the symptoms?" Jin hyung asked, eyes swollen and red from crying. Jimin is pretty sure he looks worst himself

"Yes we've run every possible tests still nothing, which is strange, but a doctor made a suggestion"


"Maybe he needs blood"

"Like a transfusion?"

"No" The lady pause for a few seconds before- "like food"

"Uhmm what?" no way Jimin shook his head
"You can't be serious what part he doesn't drink blood did you miss? he hates it"

"Jimin" Jin warns, before turning to the doctor "When you say food, you mean like feeding him blood"


"You think that's the problem?"

"To be honest, I'm not sure, I just wants us to grab up all open options, he's still partly a vampire and vampire needs blood to survive and even heal"

Jimin paused cause that makes much more sense, maybe if Taehyung use to drink blood, he would have been strong, fast? Maybe blood could heal him now I mean he's still a vampire.

Jin hyung seems to be thinking same thing, their eyes meet and Jimin nods.

"Say this will help what do we do next?"

"He's registered so it's going to be easy, I'll just call up one of the center, that's not a problem at all, i just needed your consent"


The doctor smiles standing up. "I'll put out the call, it should be here in 30 mintutes"


"Jimin stop" Jin hyung said from behind him before bringing him into a tight hug. He broke down after they left the doctor's office.

This can't be happening, Taehyung hates vampires even though he's one himself, he's gone through worst in the hands of his own clan, he never wanted to associate himself with them.

And the fact he hated drinking blood made him like being a defect a little too much if you ask him. 

And now they were gonna feed him the one thing he hated so much

Jin hyung guides him to one of the long chair in the hall

"Jimin we already have Taehyung here I don't want you joining him to occupy one of the rooms"

"You and I know that won't happen"

"At this rate don't be so sure"

"I just - he hates it hyung"

"Jimin if drinking blood can heal him of whatever sickness has eating him up so badly I don't think he'll hate us for trying to save him, he would have done anything to save you if he was in your position"

Jimin nods cause that's true, they've always sacrifice for each other, one of the reason they survived so long is cause they had each other

"Joonie and hobi are already on their way here, they're still handling the little fuss down in Gyeongju, it's harder since Jungkook is not around "

Jin hyung's mate and Hoseok are really good people to be concern over someone they barely know. "They should be back by tomorrow" The older added

And Jimin knows, Jungkook and Yoongi should be back by tomorrow.

Yoongi doesn't even know what's happening, he hasn't been able to reach him. He had only spoken to him once, since they traveled a day ago to London for one of their friend's mating ceremony,  who also happens to be a commissioner there

"It's here" The doctor was standing in front of them with nurses behind her, has it been 30 minutes already?

"Come on" Jin hyung dragged him up to follow after the doctor.


Jimin's nerve was kiilling him, Jin hyung had assured him this will work cause well Taehyung is still a vampire, if blood can heal vampires it should heal Taehyung too right? 

Walking into the room and seeing his friend so lifeless in the hospital bed breaks his heart even more. Taehyung looks like who's been sick for years, he looks almost dead.

it's just been a day but his friend looks horrible, maybe he's been sick longer? how could he not have noticed

"So here" The doctor Cho-hee like she introduced herself takes the blood from one of the nurse, It was properly packed in a bottle.

Jimin inhales bracing himself for what's about to happen.

The doctor opens the bottle, put the straw in it before taking it to the hybrid's mouth. Jimin doesn't even know how Taehyung is suppose to drink it cause he literally looks-
but to his surprise the hybrid start sucking it.

He let out a loud exhale, it's to save him it's to save him, he keeps repeating in his head.

Taehyung keeps drinking and it looks like he was liking it? 

But he stops drinking abruptly, face squeeze in pain, the vital moniter goes haywire  "What's going on?"

"I don't-" Taehyung stood up to a sitting position, his mouth opening in an instant with a scream of "burn burn burn" then he's throwing everything on the bed.

Jimin couldn't stop the scream that left his mouth, Taehyung looks horrific, pale and covered in blood "What's happening" The doctor and the nurses didn't seem like they know either.

"T -tae can you tell me what burns?" Jin moved to the side to ask, voice shaky and desperate.

Jimin was too busy trying to control his breathing to even know what to do.

"Blood, please get it out of me, all of it" Taehyung cries falling back on the hospital bed and passing out in an instant.

Most of your guesses is on point?

Well, next chapter will tell more

Take care guys

MERCILESS // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now