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Jungkook still couldn't believe everything that happened. His grandmother was out of this world powerful

Jimin had managed to bathe a weak Taehyung, cleaned him up properly. Now he was sleeping soundly in one of the guest room.

Jungkook himself had freshened up and quickly seek his grandmother out.
She was picking herbs in her flowry backyard

"Shouldn't you be with your destined?"

Jungkook stopped moving but sighs and continue walking towards her.

"We're not really like that ma"

She turns to him looking confuse.
"Like what?"

"You know ma"

"I don't kook, tell me" Jungkook watches her carefully. He knows she knows.

"We're not close halmi, we barely know each other"

She hums and returns back to picking leaves into her pot.

"Do you get to know someone by avoiding them?" She asked still facing away from him. "He's been through a lot son was expecting you to be  cuddling him right and assuring me at every chance."

"Halmi I don't want him to wake up and feel uncomfortable I told you we hardly know each other"

"I don't think he'll feel uncomfortable waking up in his destined's arms"

Jungkook stare at his grandmother, seriously wondering why she keeps pushing

"We haven't even talked about what we are to each other halmi"

"Still he won't be uncomfortable"

"Why do you sound so sure halmi?"

She chuckles and Jungkook knows that sound so well. She knows something.

Jungkook tries to get into her head...keyword try. He never could get anything inside his grandmother's head. Her head was always blank. She mastered it to the point it's scary. No matter how he tries nothing.


She turns around and hits him on the head. And she always knows whenever he tries to

"Stop poking inside my head brat"

Jungkook chuckles trying to dodge her hit. "There's nothing to poke halmi, it's blank like always.

"That's because it's what I want you to see"

"You still haven't told me how you do that."

"Maybe if you treat your destined right I'll consider telling you in the Future."

Jungkook holds back the urge to roll his eyes.

"When can we go back halmi?" Jungkook asked instead he has loads of things waiting for him.

"Whenever he wants to, he's ok now son. He's perfectly fine now although I'll want him to stay here with me." Jungkook can hear the smile in her voice

"I don't think he'll want to stay here"

"I know" she said sadly before turning to him. "He's going to be with you so I can pop up anything I want to see him." She adds like it's the answer to whatever was bothering her.

But Jungkook was a little bit confused

"Halmi when you say he's going to be with me, you mean him living with me.?" He asked dumbly

She frowns. "Kook were you going to let your pregnant destined mate live outside your roof. Are you out of your mind?"

"No" Jungkook hasn't really thought that far yet "I just haven't talked to him about it yet."

"You better do"

Jungkook sighs already dreading the talk with Taehyung. He doesn't know if Taehyung will want to live with him and Jungkook is not sure he'll give the male another choice.

He decides to bring up another important topic

"Halmi a new information about our plan?"

"Yes" She confirms turning to face him."The location has been confirmed kook, I fear it's worst than we thought"

Jungkook doesn't even know how she was able to find the exact location where the experiment was happening.

Vampires had made the location all most impossible to find with the help of powerful witches.

Now they've crossed the bigger bridge they found the main location where everthything is stored. This alone calls for celebration.

"Halmi this is good news, I'm not even going to ask how you did it"

"I had help son"

Jungkook nods. 'The attack should be sooner then."

"Yes I was thinking next week end, They're having a festival. Every one of them at that clan is going to be vulnerable, drunk vampires are my favorite to deal with" she said with a smirk. "Immediately they fall asleep I can keep them lock in there until the entire operation is carried out"

Jungkook hums

"Enough time to get all the werewolves out from there before they wake up. I can handle the experiment building."

His grandmother nods. "I've convinced a few of my friends to join us that day"

'When is the ceremony halmi?"

"Next week Friday"


Taehyung blinks to an unfamiliar room. Still trying to remember where he was and everthything that happened.

He closed his eyes when everything starts playing over in his head. Taehyung pushed himself into a sitting position.

He mentally tried to push out his teeth, nothing. It was all real, he wants to scream, he wants to cry. It was all real. He shakily took his hand to his mouth, push open his lips and touch his upper gum, nothing.

Those two long sharp fangs he couldn't control, those fangs that grew in the wrong spot, those fangs that use to break open his lips when he was younger cause he didn't have proper control over them. Those fangs he got shamed for.

"What's the point of having something when you can't even use it for anything, you're an embarrassment,a disgrace"

He hated it too, wish he didn't have it and now-

He didn't even know he was crying until he feels the tears droping on his arms.


Taehyung blinks his blurry eyes to see his friend

"Jimin" He called out full on sobbing

"Tae, hey what's wrong are you feeling pain a-?"

Taehyung shook his head staring at his worried friend.

"I'm fine" He says in between his broken sob of pure relief


"It's gone" He was laughing and crying at same time, he was so overwhelmed. He must have been looking like a crazy person considering the look on his friend's face.

"The fangs Jimin they're gone."

His friend broke into a wide smile, clearly relief he was fine. Jimin pulled him into a tight hug.

Taehyung laughed hugging his friend

He blinks up at the Alpha standing at the entrance of the room staring at him unwavering, head resting on the edge of the door.

Jeon Jungkook his destined


And now their journey begin

Have a lovely week guys 💜

MERCILESS // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now