Special chapter 2

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Jungkook hated fighting with his mate, he hated it above everything else but sometimes Taehyung can just be ridiculous.

Taehyung for some reason just hated Kiwa. Ok they did some stuff back then, that was years ago.

Jungkook had met her again four years ago, when she was covering the rescued werewolves. He really didn't have a any bad feeling towards her so they started talking again. He was even more comfortable around her when he found out she had also found her mate.

Months ago he gave her a job in his company. She had been staying in Busan with her mate, Jungkook had to helped when she moved to Seoul.

He has vacant space in the leaders building, so he had told them to stay till they are able to get their own place.

Which is where everything got worst cause well Taehyung for some reason thinks Kiwa is still after him.

Jungkook had tried his best to talk to his mate but to no avail which led to their fight.

In the end he's still going to try to understand his mate.

He wants to talk to Kiwa to leave the building soon, he pays her enough for them start thinking about getting their own place.

The last thing Jungkook ever wants is to make his mate uncomfortable or sad. That's litreally a sin.

"You seem happy"

Jungkook chuckles walking past Yoongi.

"Let me guess Taehyung smiled at you didn't he?" His friend added

"He sure did" Jungkook said chuckling the whole world knows he's whipped for his mate

They were heading to a bar to celebrate a successful meeting, Jungkook is planning to stay like 10 minutes before going back to his hotel room. He needs to talk to his family.

He finally found his phone, kiwa brought it to him said she found it in her bag.


Everything was going just fine, kiwa was slightly pressed to his side drinking. Jungkook's mind and heart wasn't here, so he just ignore the talks going on around their table.

"You ok?" Yoongi bend towards him to ask

"Yeah just-" he doesn't know why he's so restless. "I think I'm gonna head to my room."

"What? you just got here" kiwa whines

Jungkook sighs standing up. " I know, you guys stay back and have fun or whatever." He greets the people on the table.

Just as he was about moving out of the table, kiwa stood up abruptly loosing her balance in the process, Jungkook rushed towards her to help so she doesn't fall on the floor.

Big mistake

Before he could make sense of anything, cold lips were pressed on his.

It took him seconds too long to realize the lips on his was moving, it took him seconds to know the disgusting things swimming through kiwa a fucking mated omega's head. It wasn't a mistake.

He flung her off him so hard, screams follows kiwa's fall on the bar table scattering the bottles of wine that was on it

The entire bar erupt in chaos

Jungkook didn't mean to fling her that hard but he was fucking shocked out of his damn mind

"What just happened?" Jungkook asked still so damn lost

"Kook calm down"

"I'll check on her" one of the guy at the table said running towards where kiwa's body fell.

MERCILESS // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now