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They all stood up and followed his grandmother. Jungkook knows he's not the only one scared out of his mind right now.

Immediately they walked into the room Taehyung is, gasps and gentle whisper of Taehyung's name echo behind him

Jungkook takes in the omega's condition. He was lying on a mattress circle around with languages he couldn't read.

3 kinda black plantpots were placed around him. Two was place at the edge of his head with a safe distance, and last one where his legs are. Smokes were coming from inside like something was burning in it.

Taehyung looked better than the last time he saw him.

His grandmother turned to them. "We have to start but first I need everyone else to leave except Jungkook."

"No no please I want to be here" Taehyung's friend argues

"Jimin I brought you here so you can atleast see him. There's absolutely nothing you can do to help in any way by being here" His grandmother said calmy. "Your friend will be fine I promise you that"

"Ok ok, thank you" The male agreed reluctantly

His grandmother nods. "One of the maids outside will take you to the rooms you will stay"

They all nods leaving the room leaving him and his grandmother

Jungkook takes in a deep breath.

His grandmother gave him gentle smile, moved over to a table and picked a bag.

"Take off your shirt son"

Jungkook did not asking any question.
He pulled his shirt moving over to the door to hang it on the handle

"Drink this" she hands him a bottle with green liquid in it. Jungkook drank with no questions asked.
"Moved into the circle son, I want you to sit at his back position him between your legs.

Jungkook moved into the circle. Lift Taehyung to sit behind him and spreads his legs to fit Taehyung's upper body between them

Make sure his head is resting on your chest, also make sure you have a strong hold of him.

Jungkook nods doing as she said.

Taehyung stired but didn't completely wake up. Jungkook pulled his body close to himself.  Jungkook can not even begin to explain how broken he feels right now. Taehyung doesn't deserve all this.

His grandmother moved towards them and sit on the floor by the side, then she opened her bag and brought out another bag to reveal hollow needles, the sharp part was all red and Jungkook knows these are not ordinary needles.

The thoughts of how those will be used makes fear creep up his heart.
The pain the omega will go throu-

"He won't feel anything son" offcourse she knows, he's suppose to be the thoughts reader here

"Your fear and thoughts are clearly written on your face son I don't need to have your powers to know"

"Halmi you creep me out sometimes"

She chuckles. "That's my job son"

Jungkook finds himself relaxing again.

"These are going into some part of his body to draw out every remaining vampire blood in his body. He won't feel a thing for now son. Stay strong for him"

Jungkook nods.

Jungkook watch as the needles gently break slightly into Taehyung's soft skin on his arm. The omega didn't move obviously didn't feel a thing.
She did same on his other arm and on his legs

Jungkook looks on with pity, praying for this to be over already, so the omega can find some kind of peace.

Then his grandmother starts chanting in a strange tongue. Everything was all normal for awhile until the pots around the circle starts pumping out more smoke.

"Hold him in place kook" His grandmother said in between her chants. Not even upto a minute after her warning Taehyung let out a loud scream, his body starts jerking so badly.

The scream and cries sounds so painful

Jungkook holds him down, uses his legs to press down the omega's legs being extremely careful not to touch the needles.

The scream and jerking continues. Jungkook can hear the pain from his voice, he pushed than everything and focus on holding Taehyung down.

He almost let go of the omega when black liquid starts coming from every spot the needle was put in.

Jungkook looks at his grandmother for help, but she still has her eyes closed but has stopped chanting.

Taehyung screams stopped suddenly but the black liquid was still droping from the opening created by the needle. His body stopped moving.

Jungkook knows he's gonna soaked too on whatever was coming out of Taehyung but he didn't really care.

His grandmother walked towards them. "Give me your hand kook"
Jungkook did. "I need you to close your eyes and concentrate on reaching your wolf"

Jungkook did, his wolf was more than willing to help with anything

"I need to take your wolf to where Taehyung's wolf is kook, I still need you in there too to make rational decisions."

Jungkook knows what is grandmother is talking about. Only few people can have full control of their wolf  in a vulnerable state when they shift and Jungkook just so happens to be one them.

Jungkook nods and closed his eyes as his grandmother held his hands together and starts chanting again

He blinks and he's in a wide clearing with big trees surrounding it. It was fucking hot like the forest just got burned down seconds ago or something

Jungkook turned around and saw his grandmother gently smiling at him then pointing to a narrow direction were smoke was coming from heavily.

Then the voice came in his head.

"You've got few minutes to get him out son also give him this to drink."

Jungkook collects the tiny bottle from his grandmother. He dropped it on the floor and shifted then picks up the small bottle with his teeth and heads towards the direction his grandmother pointed.




MERCILESS // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now