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Taehyung was really loving South Korea so far, he felt free here, he felt like a person and he was treated like a person.

Its been more than a week working for Yoongi, it was difficult at first but after learning the basic of his job, he really loves his job.

Serving drinking, smiling at customers the tips was just something else, the bar was mostly for the elite of the society so you can imagine how far they go with tips. Although to them the money was nothing but to Taehyung it was everything especially considering his past.

He never thought he would ever be able to have his own money, earn his money from his hard work, but here he is things changed. Taehyung is free.

Taehyung smiled to himself counting his tips, at this point he's gonna be a millionaire maybe in 50 years, Taehyung chuckles at his stupid thoughts.

Not a millionaire obviously atleast he will be able to buy whatever food he wants to eat.

He rounds the corner of the hall leading to the bar, when he saw something that made him freeze on the spot.

It was his boss and Jimin he would recognize his friend anywhere.

They were kissing?

They were kissing

Shock is an understatement, the more Taehyung stare at them like a creep the more some pieces begin to fix itself.

Jimin's behavior when ever their boss was in the same room as him, how he always goes red on the face.

They must have felt eyes on them, his boss broke the kiss first, face immediately turning to him, Taehyung still couldn't move.

Yoongi breaks the stare said something before walking away, Taehyung didn't hear one word he said.


Taehyung suddenly feels bad for even intruding, he felt even worse that he couldn't walk away.

He was just too shocked seeing his friend and boss licking into each others mouth. When did they even start doing this, why didn't jimin tell him, he suddenly feels left out, how childish.


Taehyung finally forced his feets to move ignoring Jimin. Was he angry, not really. He doesn't know why he suddenly felt hurt or maybe he knows, he doesn't want to sing out loud on his childishness.

Taehyung rushed inside the restroom Jimin right behind him. He sighs. Walking to the mirror on the wall then sliding down.

"Tae I'm so sorry you had to see that"

"Don't apologize Jimin" Taehyung said tiredly

"yes I have to" Jimin said with his soft voice, hand softly caressing his bent knees

"How long?" Taehyung finally asked

"How long what?"

"How long have you been doing, you know with our boss?"

Jimin chuckles, trying hard not to blush, but the younger can see his flush cheeks

"It's- tae uhmm today is the first time"

"Are you guys dating?"

"T-tae" Jimin's face turned even redder. "It's not like that, I promise to tell you everything when we get home, ok?" Taehyung nods feeling better. "You good"

"Yeah I'm good" Taehyung said smiling. "I don't like it when you keep things from me Jiminie" He added with a pout.

"I'm sorry I promise I'll tell you everything, now come on our break is almost over"

Taehyung accepted jimin stretch out hand lifting himself up back to work.

"Yoongi already tapping" Hoseok said wiggling his eyebrow earning chuckles from the group of men relaxing in the VIP lounge.

"Shut up hobi"

"What? just complimenting how fast you are" Hoseok continued dramatically with a hand over his chest earning an eye roll from the older Alpha.

"Yoongi you already got his scent all over you" Namjoon joined

"Kook why ain't you saying anything " Hoseok asked the quite male that was watching them with a smirk head filled with a certain hybrid

"Can y'all like hop off my dick?"

"Eww Yoons why would we want to be on your dick" Hoseok almost scream making gagging noise causing more laughter

"Well you sure as hell love talking about it"
Yoongi points out, a proud smile on his face

"No we don't, nobody wants to talk about your crusty d- ouch Yoons what the fuck" Hoseok screams glaring from the kick Yoongi just gave him.

"Get off my business then"

"What else are we gonna do, there's nothing more interesting than talking about you falling in love" Hoseok said smiling

"I'm not falling in love" Yoongi grumbled. Earning more laughter from the group.

"On your way to" Namjoon added playfully.

Jungkook certainly didn't expect Yoongi's next respond.

"Maybe" Yoongi said bashfully earning whistle from the other two friends. Jungkook was honestly a little bit shocked.

"Well this is new" Jungkook finally said

"Yeah it is and i'm loving it so far "

"Ok where's Yoongi and where did you bury him" Hoseok said looking around

Yoongi rolled his eyes

"Seriously man I'm happy for you, hope it works out"

"I hope so too Joon"

"Well at least you're not on the single list anymore"

"Relax hob! , i haven't properly asked him out yet"

"Well what you're waiting for?"

"Heavens, let me breathe hobi?"
More laughter and a quite silence until Hoseok spoke up again.

"Now only one single man standing " Hoseok said side eyeing the youngest Alpha

"Shut up hobi" Jungkook said with an eye roll

"Come on, come on, buzz for more drinks, we are suppose to be celebrating" Namjoon chirped in gulping down the remaining drink in his glass.

Yoongi stood up going to the corner of the room to buzz the bar for drinks.

"what are even celebrating though "

"Eradicating blood suckers off our land"
The guys hum in agreement.

"Still think we should storm Japan though, I mean the more I know what they've been doing to our kind for years the more I want to blow them all up against a wall" Yoongi voices out eyes hard

"True, to think they've been kidnapping and selling our omegas and women under our noses makes it more infurating" Namjoon added

Conversation already turned dark, Jungkook is just as angry and frustrated just as them and even more. It's more frustrating that his father turned a blind eye to it cause he wanted peace. Their fathers failed their kind, but this generation won't.

"Trust me I know the feeling, patient is virtue, we need all the info we can get, thorough planning, no room for mistakes"

"I totally agree with Kook, we cant let our anger control our actions, we definitely have no room for mistakes"

Just then a soft knock came from the door and Jungkook tensed up because yes he definitely knows who the weird scent coming from the other side of the door belongs to.


Don't hate me I'm sowi

And the story is just starting fasten your seat belt. It's gonna take a turn,i promise none of you expected. Ha!

Guys I'll try and do well in updating. Next chapter tomorrow? Take care bye

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