Special chapter

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"I wan daddy"

Taehyung ignored his four year old daughter, busying himself with making breakfast.

Same thing that happened yesterday is obviously happening today. Lea cried for his father all day.

Jungkook left for leaders conference in Dubai just yesterday and their daughter is driving him crazy

It doesn't help that him and Jungkook had a huge fight before he left.

"I just don't like her"

"She's a friend" Jungkook said

"A friend that you've obviously fucked before"

"I was 19, it was a one time thing, she's find his mate Tae and so have i"

"I just don't trust her"

"Why are you so damn insecure" Taehyung clamped his mouth shut trying hard to control the tears stinging the corner of his eyes.

Taehyung is sometimes insecure, he feels he's not good enough for Jungkook. Jungkook is the leader of their entire community and Taehyung is litreally a nobody with nothing.

That's the first night since they mated that they didn't sleep in the same room and the next day Jungkook was leaving for Dubai with yoongi and that damn woman that was appointed a new position in the community.

It's worst the woman moved in to the vacant space in the building with her mate. Taehyung just has this feeling about that woman, there's just something about the way that woman looks at Jungkook that just screams, I want you.

But Jungkook won't listen, everyone thinks he's making up things about that woman. It's been three months and Taehyung is loosing his mind.


Taehyung blinks to his daughter giving him an angry look.

"Baby go sit down breakfast is almost ready."

"I don want to eat I wan daddy"

"Daddy traveled baby I told you that already"

"I wan daddy" she repeated like the reason he just gave was not good enough.

Lea was the definition of daddy's girl

"Go sit down Lea" Taehyung said with his scolding tone, she noticed immediately

"I wan daddy" She said crying

"I can't deal with this today, Lea go and sit down don't make me say it again"

She cried running to take a seat on her own dining table beside the main dining that she rarely ever use except for when she eats alone like today

Taehyung closed his eyes begging himself not to cry at the sadness of his little angel.

He's not been able to reach Jungkook since he left yesterday, he's planning on calling again.

Few hours later Lea was fast asleep in his arm after crying her self to sleep.
Taehyung holds her in his arm and cries.

Him and Jungkook ain't doing well and it started when that woman came into the picture.

Taehyung picked up his little girl to her room, it was saturday and he had to complete an assignment.

Yes Taehyung is studying business online, he wants to be able to support his mate in his company fully someday. He does go to Jungkook's company sometimes to help.

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