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Taehyung has been out and in of consciousness more than he can count.

He's screamed cried from pain that feel likes his entire organ is been pulled out of him and then there are moments when he feels nothing.

Like now when he's able to form words.

"How long"

Jungkook's grandmother smiled at him kind and understanding. "Two days, tommorow your destined will be here."

"It's gonna be worst tomorrow isn't" Taehyung asked what has been on his mind since the woman talked about Jungkook being here on the last day.

"Yes but with Jungkook by your side you will pull through."

Taehyung hums

"Drink this before you fall asleep again dear." Taehyung weakly drank whatever was in the bottle the woman had pressed to his mouth.


The drive from Seoul to his grandmothers estate in Boseong took them 4 hours.

Jungkook won't lie the last two days has been toture for him, he couldn't consentrate on anything.

He cannot even begin to imagine what kind of pain Taehyung would be going through.

He's scared of how today will go.

They had left Seoul 5 in the morning according to his grandmother's instructions.

Jungkook shows his face to the security at the gate, the gate opened and he drove in.

The estate was massive covered with all kinds of herb trees, flowers you name it. This is literally his grandmother's hideout.

Jungkook knows the moment they stepped in this compound his grandmother knew they are here.

"Wow this is litreally a small village on its own" Taehyung's friend said from behind him

Jungkook parked in the open space close to the main building.

He stepped down from the car.
Namjoon, Jin and offcourse Taehyung's friend came down too, all looking around in awe except for Namjoon who has been here countless times.

The compound was so well kept anyone who sees it will know they put in work everyday to make it this beautiful.

His grandmother has a lot of maids and apprentices. So he is sure she isn't stressing her self to take care of her precious flowers and herbs.

She rushed out all smile towards him. Jungkook can see the stress written all over your face.

"My boy" She smiles bringing him into a tight hug.

"You saw me like two days ago halmi let me breath" Jungkook said chuckling when she hits his shoulder playfully.

"If it isn't Kim Namjoon" Namjoon smiled too returning her hug. "You grew taller or what?" She said already turning to the other males

"I'm Jin nice to meet you" her eyes widens.

"Namjoon's mate" Jin nods even though it wasn't a question. "Nice to meet you too"

She turned to Namjoon and smirked. Jungkook playfully roll his eyes. "Keep rolling those eyes Kook and watch me make it stuck that way" She said casually still facing away from him.

"Halmi" Jungkook whines. She ignores him.

"And you must be Taehyung's friend"

"I'm Jimin nice to meet you".

Likewise dear, welcome to my world now come on in"

Jungkook walked towards her. How is it going halmi how is he?"

"It's been successful so far and he's ok son"

They walked in to her living room. She offered them tea more like forced them to drink tea before going into the details of Taehyung's condition.

"Everything is going fine so far, he's unconscious right that's how he's been most of the time throughout the process" His grandmother voices sitting opposite from them on the tea table.

"Thank you so much for doing this Ma, thank you" Jimin said with a grateful smile

"You don't need to thank me dear, Taehyung is Jungkook's destined. He's family, it's my duty to help in situations that I can."

Jungkook still doesn't want to think too much on who Taehyung really is to him. Not now they will deal with it later.

"So after today he'll be fine?" Jin asked this time.

"Yes, the last two days has just been the process of preparation. Today is the day I get the blood out of him and you will also try to connect to his wolf"  She said the last statement looking at him.

"Connect to his wolf?" She never mentioned that before

"Yes son, the reason Taehyung didn't turn a vampire is because of his wolf that never gave up. The wolf is in a terrible condition kook that's mostly why Taehyung was able to developed some of those vampires features. The wolf was supposed to die for him to transform completely but it didn't"

"You saw his wolf"

She nods. "But I couldn't do anything to help" the she shook her head. "I couldn't form a connection with it son"

"You tried at my place didn't you?"

"Yes the first moment I saw him that's what I tried first but I couldn't get to him. His wolf is not in a good condition at all. I was shocked it survived this long. That's how I was able to connect his lineage."

Jungkook was honestly speechless, he's sure the others were in the same condition cause no one said anything.

His grandmother continues

"His wolf still being alive is the reason he doesn't drink blood or do any of those things vampires do to survive. They must have tried everything but it didn't die. The moment the wolf is saved again, every vampire features he has will slowly make way for werewolf features, cause it's all fake formed by years of failed experiment. Taehyung is a full werewolf. An omega can't have red eyes kook."

"Halmi you're saying his Fangs?"

"Will break off son" Jungkook shrieked back just imagining the kind of pain Taehyung will go through. "His wolf is what will bring Taehyung back to being a full werewolf" she added


"A lot I know. One of the main reason I wanted you here was about his wolf son. You'll need to reach his wolf, it will be so much easy to find and connect to him, he's your destined. He won't be sacred of you, he'll listen to you and he's an omega wolf that will want to impressed his alpha" She  smirks

The others chuckles but Jungkook couldn't bring himself to make a sound. His grandmother has a way of making big situations look small

"How are my going to do that?" Jungkook asked scared of messing up

"You'll know when the times comes"

"Have you ever seen or handled any case like this?" Namjoon asked this time

His grandmother hesitate

"Not me but my family before me, it was documented so we won't fail to save our people like they did"

"What are you talking about halmi?"

She sighs. "The first experiment that took place, the rescued victims one or two were like Tae son..but" she stopped eyes watching them carefully making them dread what she'll say next. "Unfortunately none of them survived the ritual."

The room got ten times colder and ten times more quite

His grandmother checked the clock on the wall, before standing up and meeting eyes with him, a smile on her lips like she didn't just drop their fucking heart on the floor.

"Are you ready?"


Well Jungkook will try and connect with Taehyung's wolf? Let's see how that will go...👀

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