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The more Jungkook walked inside the forest the smoke keeps darkening his way, he was in his wolf form so it wasn't a problem.

After few minutes of just following his instinct, his wolf came to a stop in another wide clearing

The feeling came in an instant. His Wolf's nose starts sniffing around

Then a whimper came from somewhere making his wolf go crazy. His wolf still kept sniffing desperately along where  the weak noise came from until it came to a spot. A slightly deep wide hole

His wolf frozed at seeing what was inside. A brown wolf with white spots, so skiny with blue eyes was looking up at him.

Jungkook immediately shifted because for one his wolf recognize who was inside and jumping inside without thinking won't be a good idea.

Jungkook closed his eyes and beg for his wolf connection with the wolf. It worked.


The wolf only looked at him with something in his eyes he couldn't explain.

"I'm your destined"

Jungkook waits he knows the wolf can hear him but he needs to hear him too.

"I know" came the small voice in his head. Jungkook let out a relief breath

"I'm here to save you but I need your help to get out"

"I don't think I can even move" came the weak voice again. Jungkook wants to craddle him and soothe all his pain away.

Jungkook can feel his wolf begging to save his mate

"The hole isn't deep I can jump in and get you out but I need to be sure my weight won't sink me in" Jungkook voices out his worries.

"It's safe" Came the small weak voice of assurance.

Jungkook slowly pulled himself to a sitting position and drops himself inside. He let out a shaky breathe at seeing the omega so close.

"Ok uhhm I can help you up on the edge" He let out shakily

He gets a hum in response

He picked the wolf up, he was so fucking light. He stretch a little droping the wolf on the edge before pulling himself out too

Jungkook almost screamed at looking at the full condition of the wolf. Big open injuries on the skinny flesh, he was all bone no flesh.

Nobody will see him and think it was a wolf.

Jungkook cannot even imagine what this wolf has been through.

"Why is-" he couldn't talk tears blurs his vision. Thankfully the wolf understood what he wanted to say.

"I stopped healing. The more I lost connection with my human I stopped healing. I lost my purpose of existence."

He knows all that. Their wolf side feeds off on their connection with their human. Jungkook can understand why the wolf looks like this.

He just stood there staring at Taehyung's wolf he wants to fucking murder everyone who did this to his mate.

"Count me in I'll help" Came the amused voice.

Jungkook stare at the wolf that had his eyes closed not even suprise the wolf knows what is going on in his head

He sighs completely thrown off guard at the state of the wolf

"Thank you"

"Don't please, I j-"

"Stop blaming yourself and please can you shift?" The wolf request and Jungkook already knows why.

MERCILESS // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now