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What are you?

Taehyung slowly lifts his eyes to the most gorgeous man he has ever seen. This man knows already, he knows what he is.

He was used to this, since he could remember, he was always looked at with disgust. Imagine not being wanted by both sides of who you are.

For whatever reason Taehyung didn't want this man to hate him, he wanted this man to not treat him like others, he wanted this man to not look at him the way he's looking at him right now.

He tried to open his mouth to say something, anything but...

"Jungkook, this is Taehyung," Jin hyung said, sounding almost scared? But why? The name formed a meaning in his head, he couldn't help his eyes that widened on its own.

Taehyung can almost see the strength coming out from this man like smoke.

"Jungkook?" The other over happily man called

"Yeah ok" the man said walking past him. Taehyung's eyes followed the man called Jungkook. The leader of the supernatural community in South Korea was definitely not what he expected. He couldn't look away, for whatever reason he suddenly felt fine just inhaling this man's scent

"Take them to the bar Jinnie '' Taehyung snapped his head to Jin hyung's mate that was talking. He didn't want to leave, he wanted to stay here. What the hell is wrong with him?


That night Taehyung couldn't sleep, his entire time at the bar after meeting Jungkook the community leader was a total blur. Jimin kept asking what happened to him, honestly Taehyung couldn't answer because he simply didn't have an answer for him.

All he knows is that he can't stop thinking about the black haired male no matter how much he tries,he just can't stop.

Taehyung knows it's dangerous to be having these kinds of thoughts but he just can't stop.

He looked down at the sleeping male beside him who was oblivious to his inner struggle, he didn't want to bother his friend.

Jimin has done nothing but worry about him since they met and now they were at a better place no need to keep worrying his friend.

The look Jungkook gave him just makes him so restless, he's so close to crying. Taehyung has seen a lot of disgusted looks directed towards him, none has ever affected him like this.

And that's to say a lot, he has gotten a lot of looks and insults throughout his life even from his own father.

Oh Taehyung hates just thinking about that man, he hates his father with every bone in his body. It gives him some kind of peace knowing the hatred is mutual.

His father hated him right from when he was born.

The thing is not all vampires are able to get others pregnant. Mostly, the only supernatural who are able to carry a Vampire's child if ever a vampire was fertile are werewolves, which clearly explains their obsession with werewolves it wasn't just for their blood, the obsession extends beyond that.

The reason so many werewolves especially female werewolves and the omegas are being taken as slaves and held in Vampire covens is for mainly procreating.

Vampires try their luck out with those werewolves, very few succeed, his father being one of them.

His mother used to say he met his father and fell in love and that he was the product of love. Taehyung never for once felt that love. As he grew he began to see the possibility that his mother was also one of the slaves that was taken and brought to his father's coven.

MERCILESS // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now