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Taehyung went from being shocked out of his damn mind to the point where he is now, considering going to see Jungkook.

God! He doesn't even know why he's considering it, like this should be a big no with a large red sign indicating how much it's a bad idea

He shouldn't even be thinking about it,
well here he is

Yes Taehyung is a virgin, yes he knows what sex is, he's literally been you know, in his dream since he met Jungkook.

Reason why he tries to sleep in his own room these days, the horror on Jimin's face one time he had woke him up from one of his sexual dream, according to Jimin he was moaning and crying in pleasure, Taehyung cannot repeat the exact words even in his head, that was the most embarrassing moment of his life.

When it started being an everyday thing, he just had to start sleeping in his own room

Thank goodness for a friend like Jimin, he didn't make fun of him or pry any longer than necessary and just like that it was all forgotten not for Taehyung though.

Taehyung knows what this entails, Jungkook said he wants to fuck him, heavens he's even blushing at the thought of it. That's what he's been doing this past hour.

He's so stupid.

He knows Jungkook just wants to have sex with him nothing more and that alone hurts but obviously not enough to stop him from even considering this.

There's just something about Jungkook that screams mine! call him delusional, Taehyung just can't shake off that feeling. It's a reach higher than his existence, Taehyung knows but it's still there.

He dropped his head on the kitchen counter, his head aches from thinking too much. What should he do?

Atleast his crush finds him attractive that's comforting enough.

This is such a bad idea the other rational part of his head keep repeating

But this is Jeon Jungkook the head of their community, the hottest man alive and Taehyung first and only crush the other part counters

At this point he won't even call it a crush anymore, he likes Jungkook and there's a possibility Jungkook could like him back?

I mean he is not naive, he knows this could be just sex for Jungkook but well you still have to at least like the person right?

"Tae! What the hell!" Taehyung blinks up at his friend. "What is going on with you? you've been off the whole day"

"Nothing serious chim just thinking" Taehyung said nonchalantly praying Jimin would just let it go

"Hmm" Jimin smiled mischievously " Is this about your crush "

Taehyung splutters lost for words
"W-what! - no- I mean there's no crush"

Jimin just kept smiling like he didn't believe a word he just said which is the truth Taehyung was just awful at lying.

"Sure, like I don't see you blushing all the time at work, taking too much time at the restroom mirror."

Taehyung as usual just couldn't help his burning cheeks, damn Jimin and his over observative nature.

"I don't know what you're talking about" good to go Taehyung saying that with red cheeks very convincing, he quickly walk pass his laughing friend.

"Come on Taehyungie come tell chim about it"
Taehyung ignored his friend who obviously was following him. "Ok ok no taking about crushes "

Taehyung sighed dropping his heavy body on his bed. "Why are you even dressed up" They've been back from work just 2 hours ago

"Uhmm" And now it was Jimin's turn to red. "Yoongi said he wants to take me to his favorite place"

And Taehyung will be lying if he said he wasn't damn jealous but if anybody deserves this it's Jimin.

"That's great chim" He forced all his own internal war aside

"Yeah I know" his friend whispers absentmindedly

"What's wrong?"

"I just, I don't know tae" Jimin starts lying next to him. "I like him a lot tae, like a lot"

"And he seems to like you too, what's the problem then"

"I just gets scared sometimes you know, what if it's all a lie, what if all these is all a dream, sometimes it seems too good to be true"

And yes Taehyung understands he feels like that sometimes, their life right now sometimes feels like they're in a deep sleep.

Taehyung let the comfortable silent warm up their heavy thoughts before-

"I know" he murmers back because yes Taehyung does.


Jungkook was nervous, the strange feeling making him second guess his existence, he doesn't do nervous, he makes people nervous not the other way round.

Here is in a hotel room,wine glass in hand nervous out of his fucking mind cause of one weak little pretty hybrid.

Jungkook has seen and fuck pretty omeges betas, witches name it. So what is it about this hybrid that reduces him to a normal man.

What's so special about him that's making him loose his fucking mind.

Jungkook had left the office direct to this hotel, he could have taken the hybrid home but no his home is not for one night fucks, yes he hopes this is going to be a one night thing. Fuck him out of your system and gain back your sanity is the plan

The last thing he wants is associating with vampires even a defect one, Jungkook hates them with everything in him, the fact he really wants to bury his dick in one is really making him question his sanity.

He doesn't even drink blood, he continues to console himself, cause damn does he need it.

This thirst for the hybrid is really scaring Jungkook, he has never crave anything like he does the hybrid, like why? And honestly that scares him, piling up to his problems cause Jungkook doesn't do scared.

Which is why he took this step, get it out of your system, go back to focusing on an entire community depending on you, is what he's being chanting in his head since he stepped in here.

But what if the hybrid doesn't show up? What would Jungkook do? Please he doesn't even want to think about it, that's a scary thought but a possibility.

He can't force the hybrid, heavens forbid. So Jungkook will just have to make the call he should have from the moment he met the hybrid.

Everything started the moment he set his eyes on that hybrid, his smell and the impossible wall built against him in his head.


After hours of thinking, hours of his head messing up in different thoughts. Taehyung finds himself at 7:20pm standing in front of a huge building with 'Lotus Hotel' boldly writen at the surface upper top of the huge building

Jungkook is his first crush, the first person he's ever liked romantically, the first to ever invade his dream, the first man that will have his body both in the dream and in real life

He takes in a deep breathe, feeling already out of place even without stepping feet in the building.


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