Final special

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"I didn't do it, I didn't kiss her"

Taehyung turned around to face him, expression unreadable, mouth pressed together.

"I know" Taehyung said with voice a little bit unrecognizable, Jungkook was shocked and kind of proud at the answer but was also confuse on why Taehyung was angry if he well knows Jungkook didn't cheat.


"I'm angry that you let that happened"

"Tae I didn't know she was going to try and kiss me, she kissed me out of nowhere." Jungkook rushed out to explain

"That's the point" Taehyung spits out glaring at him. "You knew Jungkook, I told you but you choose not to believe me, you choose to call me childish!"

Jungkook feels like he's been slapped across the face

He feels ashamed

"Angel-" Jungkook called out already closed to crying, he made a mistake, he should have listened. He's learnt his lesson, never again will he throw away his mate's concern on anything at all.

"I was a fool, I still am for not listening to you and not taking your feelings into consideration. I'm so sorry angel, I failed you, I hurt you"

Jungkook feels he deserved some kind of punishment.

Jungkook can see his mate's eyes softening a bit, Taehyung hates to see him sad, his destined has the heart of gold.

Jungkook decides to keep trying.

"I've learnt my lesson baby, and I swear to you, I'll be better, I'll be a better man, a better mate and a better father."

Taehyung turned his back to him whispering more to himself. "You're the best mate and father"

Jungkook pressed his lips to keep the smile threatening to take over his face at Taehyung's words.

Jungkook moved towards his mate.

"Tell me everything that happened" Taehyung demands

"Can I hold you baby" Jungkook can hear the desperation and longing in his own voice. He wants to touch his mate, he wants to hold his mate. He wants to be sure he didn't loose one of the source of light and happiness in his life.

Taehyung turned towards him, his heart breaks at the tears running down his angel's cheeks.

Jungkook moves immediately bringing his mate into his arms.

"I'm sorry baby, forgive me"

"It-it broke me kook, wh-when i-i saw the pictures" Taehyung said in between sobs that is breaking his heart into pieces.

Jungkook can feel the stink in the corner of his eyes.

"Forgive me angel, please baby" He held his face bringing their forehead together before pulling away to kiss the tears off his face. "I made a mistake baby forgive me please angel please. I'll tell you everything that happened"

He continues kissing Taehyung's face, using every of his self control to avoid his lips, he's not sure he's allowed to kiss those perfect lips for now.

Few minutes later they were cuddled in the bed facing each other, Taehyung's head was buried in his chest, his hands were on his mate's waist holding him close.

MERCILESS // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now