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"We all used to do transaction together"

It all dawn on him selling werewolves. This man doesn't even need to open his mouth anymore

They were the ones in charge of kidnapping and selling werewolves. Jungkook had always known only people in power could be pulling such thing off without being caught

His father

He dreads to ask the question at the tip of his tongue.

"My father?"

Seojun shook his head. "At first yes cause we all thought they were taking the werewolves to procreate. Everyone thought some of them could procreate that was why they were so obsessed with werewolves. Your father later find out about the experiment when they started asking for pregnant werewolves. He uh.. tried to stop everything but-"

Seojun stops. Jungkook wants to pull it all out of him already

"-We blackmailed him" the male continued eyes fixed on the wall.

"With what?"

"With his first signed document of his participation and they threatened to war against him. Your father always loved peace so he-"

"What is this! you can't treat me like this. Who do you think you are?" Jungkook holds himself from ripping the man's head off

He couldn't hold back

He turned around and hit the man on the neck so hard, he dropped to the floor with a loud scream. Is then the man notice his friend on the floor. His eyes widen with fear.


"Your friend here was just telling us how you both have been selling your people for money for years now"


"I will rip your tongue out of your mouth if you dare breath a lie.
Continue Seojun"

The man nods.

"Your father didn't get involve again but didn't do anything to stop us.'

Jungkook knows guilt killed his father, the fact he had gotten involve in something like that and he couldn't even stop it. He knows the man's life was miserable

Jungkook begs himself to breathe in and out. He turned to his friends, rage was burning under their glares.

"I need na-" Just then his grandmother decided to pop out making everyone around scream.

She ignored everyone and walks towards Seojun, she squat down close to the male that was trying to keep a distance from her.

She hooked her hand on his jaw, Seojun screams trashing around, his skin was turning red, Jungkook knows she was burning him from the inside. Seojun lift his hand to stop her hand but his two hands froze mid-air. Seojun couldn't move his hands and legs.

Everyone gasped with fear, wonho drag his body away from the two, his body shaking with fear.

"Now I need you to tell me the witch who did that spell" His grandmother's sound so calm it could fool anymore but Jungkook can tell she is burning with rage

"I don't know her name, please she stays in chegu please."

"Hmm, red hair pale like a ghost?" The male nods

"Yes yes...please- "

His grandmother let go of the male who dropped on the floor struggling to breath


"He's fine, his friends are with him"

Jungkook nods.

MERCILESS // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now