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"Oh I should have known the scum of Japan will be related to you, small world huh"

Siwoo glares and Jungkook laughs.

"Oh I'm gonna let you in on my little plan since well you won't be around to tell anyone." Jungkook said mockingly. "By Friday I'll have this same dagger buried in your brother's heart after I burn down his little experiment building" 

Jungkook loves how Siwoo is looking at him right now.

"Ok so I'll be generous enough to pass on a message for you, tell me Siwoo" Before the male could open his mouth Jungkook buried his dagger in his heart. "That's right, nothing"

Jungkook made his way outside to another shock of his life.

What the fuck?

"Kept them around as blood bag and for sex" Yoongi said with pained voice

Jungkook couldn't believe his eyes. He should have known some one like Choi will not feed from a blood bag, he should have fucking known.

The people in front of him looks like they've been through hell and back. Torn clothes and dried blood stain on their body from where the bastard fed from. He couldn't even keep them clean?

"J-just-" He didn't even know what to do anymore

Even humans?

He breathes out heavily through his nose.

"I want them fucking out, I want every fucking one of them out, I'm fucking done!"


Taehyung couldn't sleep, it's 2am and he still couldn't bring himself to sleep.
He was so freaking worried.

His friends were sleeping in his..well former bedroom.

The moment he start drifting to sleep is the moment the bedroom door opened. Taehyung stood up immediately but stopped himself from running into his mate's arms.

He was covered in blood and for a second Taehyung worries if it was Jungkook's but the man was looking fine.

"Are you hurt?"

"Not my blood why are still awake?"

"Couldn't sleep'

"Pup I told you I'll be fine"

"Wasn't enough to soothe my worries"

Jungkook sighs walking into the bathroom. Taehyung can see how sad Jungkook looks he doesn't know what happened but his mate was not ok.

He patiently wait for the male to finish bathing, dressed and join him in bed. Taehyung immediately shift towards Jungkook, bringing the Alpha's head into his neck. He runs his fingers through the Alpha's hair getting a satisfied hum in return.

"What happened?" He asked with a soft whisper

Jungkook sighs pulling his head from his neck and droping it on a pillow, Taehyung pulled himself on his arm to stare at the alpha.

"It becomes too much sometimes you know, I'm suppose to save and protect my people only to realize I haven't been doing anything all this time"

Taehyung can hear the pain in his voice, he wants to do something but he doesn't know what to do.

He moves and placed his face on the Alpha's cheek a clear indication he's here with him.

"The moment I was born my fate was decided" Jungkook chuckled sadly. "It was decided before I was even born. At five i couldn't control my powers"

Taehyung let himself imagine a five year old kid with powers too big for him to handle.

"I was taken away to stay with my grandmother. Which I'm still grateful for. I j-just, I thought I was making a change, I t-thought things had changed but they are still kidnapping and selling werewolves under my nose. Some vampires still have werewolves and humans stash in the houses somewhere"

Taehyung placed back his face on Jungkook's cheek.

"I honestly don't know what to do anymore"

"You'll figure it out" He whispers on the Alpha's cheek

"I want them all gone Tae, I want everyone of them gone"

"I don't think that's a good idea"

"Why not?"

Taehyung pulled up to look at the Alpha.

"Cause the innocent ones will be affected too"

"I don't think any of them is innocent Tae'

"I'm sure among the number of people that registered, there are some that just want peace, that just want to live a peaceful life"

Taehyung doesn't even know why he's trying to defend those vampires right now. Well he's Kim Taehyung, he'll always defend people he thinks are innocent no mater what they are.

"I'm sure some of them have lovers here you know" He chuckles making Jungkook smile too. "With the help of your grandmother I'm sure there's a way to flushed out those not following the rules?"

He smiles shyly when Jungkook gave him a wink.

"Your heart his pure pup"

Taehyung smiles.

"I hope so" Jungkook voices staring at the ceiling again. "If not, I'll have no other choice but to chase them all out of here I can't let them continue to hurt my people and humans."

Taehyung leaned up and kissed the corner of Jungkook's mouth. The Alpha slowly turn to stare at him.

Heat rose up his cheeks at the intense stare in Jungkook's eyes.

His lips was getting closer, his heart skipped a bit as he feels the Alpha's breath on his lips.

Jungkook's lips brushed on his sending an intense warm over his body. He part his lips as Jungkook claim what is his.

Every single thought was gone from his head as every part of him was focus on the feeling of being kissed by his Alpha, his mate. The feeling of having the Alpha like this again.

His body reacts to his Alpha instinctively. Jungkook's hand pressed down on his tiny waist dragging him impossibly closer.

Jungkook angled his head to kiss him deeper.

The alpha pulled away first resting his forehead on his, as they try to catch their breath.

"I will never get enough of you"

"I don't want you to ever get enough of me"

Jungkook chuckles pulling him closer to bite on his bottom lip, Taehyung sucked in a breath at the intense pleasure that shook his entite body.

"I want to mark you as mine someday"

Taehyung wants to hear that a million times over.

"Will you?" He asked hopefully

"Offcourse pup, when all this is over, I want the world to know the boy that is driving the great Jeon Jungkook crazy"

Taehyung smiles his heart swell with affection for the man staring at him so intensely.


How y'all doing today 😉

Merciless is coming to an end soon guys, prepare your heart to say goodbye....🥺

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