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Everything that has happened today has put Jimin in a state he can't even explain

It's reality yet its hard to digest.

"This is honestly so hard to believe" Jin Hyung said eyes fixed on his mate that was telling them the details of what they know.

After Jungkook had left with Taehyung and almost breaking his neck in the process. They had managed to move their shocked selves to Jin hyung's apartment.

Jungkook is responsible for Taehyung's pregnancy, it's hard to believe. How? when? Just how?

Namjoon had told them Jungkook was taking Taehyung to his grandmother.

And Jimin has no doubt Jeon hyuna will be able to help Taehyung

He's relief on the part.

He's not allowed to go check on his friend even though they are on the same building. According to Yoongi Jungkook will get back to them.

All they can do now is wait.


"Sit down son" Jungkook finally moved from his shocked state, dropping his body on one of the armrest sofa in his living room.

His grandmother chuckles probably from how he looks right now.

She bends again to place her palm on Taehyung's forehead before moving to sit beside him.

"Where do I start?" His grandmother said reaching out to rub his cheek gently

"Anywhere Halmi, I ju-st..he has fangs halmi even red eyes too, and you called him my destined?"

"I know " she said calmly giving him a warm smile. "Vampires and werewolves have been in so many wars over the years of our existence." She starts, warm eyes fixed on him. "One of the biggest and longest war was about an experiment Vampires discovered and carried on our kinds,which you already know"

"Oh" Jungkook let out already wondering how that connects to what is happening. Jungkook has been told this story a million times before, it's one of the wars that drift their kinds to eternal hate.

Vampires and werewolves use to exist peacefully, more peaceful than they are now, with actual trust between them

Until vampires hunger to procreate drove them to break that trust.

Vampires discovered a way to procreate but it was only possible with werewolves. Pregnant werewolves started going missing, all been taken by vampires who conducted all kinds of experiments, mostly with injecting vampire blood in their system.

"Halmi" Jungkook called out weakly, his brain too slow to grab on to the truth right in front of him

"He's an experiment son"

"But it was destroyed years ago and all those involved wiped out"

"They found their hands on it again, don't know how, it's why the number of missing werewolves keeps increasing. I got a report from a friend in Germany a month ago about same thing."

"This is bad halmi"

"Yes.. it's worst they succeeded in some and well some-" She turned to stare at the male sleeping peacefully

Jungkook follow same action. Taehyung looks so peaceful, so innocent.

"So he's a failed one" Jungkook stated


Jungkook nods everything making sense on how a vampire would hate blood. It makes perfect sense.

MERCILESS // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now