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The loud sound of the male steps sounds loud in the quiet hall. Everyone was eager to finally see the son that has been hidden away for years, the new leader of the supernatural community in South Korea.

Supernatural beings from far and near will tell you they came for one thing to pay respect to the deceased leader of the community.

But the truth is they are all here to finally see Jungwoo's son that has been hidden away for many years.

There have been rumours of why he was hidden away, some say he was too powerful to be among others, some say he was kept away for training, one rumour among others stands out the most.

He was hidden away because he is different, many people know his history, his father was of the strongest werewolf bloodline, his grandmother one of the most powerful witch that ever lived.

A rumour of his grandmother spitting inside his mouth when he was born is one that has kept most beings up at night. There's no denying she gifted him with powers, no one knows the length of his power, and that scares them.

People want something they can control but hate what they can't control.

Jungwoo was a strong man but he was also considered weak by so many cause he did everything within his power to fight for peace including bending to some rules from other supernatural being especially vampires

He was easily manipulated because of his desire for peace but things changed so fast, Jungwoo is dead no one knows if his son will be someone they can control.

All the heads of clans and packs from other countries wish to continue their treaty and deals with the next leader

Jungkook climbed up the podium eyes fixed on the faces of everyone in the hall.

"Good day," The loud voice of the young male rings in the quiet hall, the power following that voice didn't go unnoticed by the beings in the hall.

"Firstly Thank you all for coming to pay your respect to my late father," Jungkook said as calmly as possible. "I won't take much of your time so I'll go straight to the point" Jungkook paused to take in the faces of people he hates with every bone in his body.

"I will not be signing the treaty" The entire hall went into a deep silence. no one was moving. " Vampires will no longer walk freely in this country without proper registration and supervision" The room went cold.

The entire Vampires in the room went colder, this was bad, really bad. They couldn't even move a muscle.

"I want all vampires out of this country if they don't comply with the new rules" Jungkook finished with so much hatred dripping from his voice. "Thank you" The young man finished stepping down from the podium heading for his car.


"The ship leaves Tomorrow Taehyung, this is our one chance at freedom"

The younger boy smiles he is more than happy to leave this country, they never accepted him here because of his mix supernatural gene. Maybe his mother's homeland will treat him better than his father's land did.

To be continued.

Welcome to another of my

Supernatural fic mainly werewolf and Vampire.

All my idea please don't steal my work

Mature content.

This fic is gonna be different, I think?

Read the tags and EXIT if you a'int ok with any of it.

More details will be revealed as the story progresses.

Stay tuned

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