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"Those bastards!" Hoseok exclaimed with raised fists.

"They say they want peace, they just want Jungkook to reverse the rule" Yoongi explains with closed teeth.

Jungkook couldn't help the chuckle that left his lips, it was funny how these people really thought they could corner him here.

Did they really think they could overpower him drunk or in any way? what did they really think will happen. Jungkook knows vampires there's nothing peaceful about their entire existence.

Jungkook dropped his wine on the small table beside his chair with a sigh, there goes his peaceful night

"Jungkook we can handle this"

And Jungkook has no doubt in that, but if those bastards wanted to see him, then, by all means, he'll give them that privilege.
It's time he teaches them a lesson.

"If they want to see me, then see me they shall" He said calmly with a smile, eyes taking in the smirking men in front of him. Except--

"Take your mate to safety Namjoon," Jungkook said calmly trying to suppress his pheromones. He knows how powerful it can't be and he hasn't even started yet.

"My friends" The omega breathes out

"They are fine Jin, Mark took them to safety" Yoongi responded as gently as he could to calm the male.

Jin nods.

"Stay linked to your mate Namjoon," Jungkook said eyes now on his friend that was holding his mate. It's about to get worse and Jungkook doesn't want to hurt the omega. With a direct link from Jungkook to Namjoon, Jin will be able to stay unaffected. He received a nod and a wink in response from his dimple cheek friend.

"I still think you should let us handle this" Yoongi insist

Jungkook didn't bother responding to him, Vampires dare come here to disrupt his peace, the fucking audacity.

If they want his attention he will give it to them.

Jungkook carefully stepped down from the stairs to the main floor of the bar. They were werewolves, a few vampires and other supernaturals in the bar.

Jungkook clenches his fist, engaging in his first precaution and that's making sure everyone inside here had no plan of attacking the inside the moment he steps out. This could be a calculated planned attack and Jungkook needs to make sure they don't succeed

He heard whimpers, from everyone in the bar. His friends were becoming immune to his mind intrusion. At least he tries his best to exclude them by keeping their brotherhood link active.

Jungkook can smell the fear and confusion from all the supernaturals in the bar.

It was cleared, meaning the only problem were the Vampires outside.

He crossed through the centre of the bar, feeling eyes follow him. Jungkook stepped outside the bar, Hoseok and Yoongi following closely.

They were Vampires on the other side, with red eyes and angry faces.

Their guards surrounded the bar in their wolf forms ready to mount on them if they came closer to the bar.

You see Jungkook doesn't need to change to his wolf form to take those bastards down. He is as powerful in his human form as he is in his wolf form if not more.

That is one of his gifts, he doesn't need to shift to fight. Jungkook can match any supernatural in his human form with ease no matter their numbers.

MERCILESS // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now