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Jungkook was getting worst, now he couldn't even fuck in peace without the hybrid invading his head.

It has gone past curiosity, now he wants to know how and why the hybrid is so different, while having his dick buried inside him.

Yeah that's right Jungkook has gone down to a different level entirely. It started with the hybrid seducing him in his dreams. Long story short,Jungkook had the fucking best sex, that should say a lot, it's worst it happened in a dream.

Taehyung Taehyung Taehyung Taehyung. His head repeats like it has been doing the past week. Maybe he just needs to fuck him out of his system.

Jungkook has never crave something this bad, he's afraid if he takes a bite he won't be able to stop.

And that would be leaning into something serious? Jungkook doesn't do serious. It's not like he's fuckboy or something. He has an entire community depending on him, fucking around isn't in his daily or weekly routines.

Once in a while he finds an omega or beta to relief some stress. That's about it. He is not interested in settling down, not that he has found any body fitting enough yet.

His phone dings and Jungkook knows it's Namjoon reminding him of the meeting he's suppose to be attending in like an hour.

Its gonna be a long ass meeting at least it will keep his head in the right place. Jungkook hopes.


Taehyung is really happy for Jimin, he really is.

"I don't know Tae I feel the blue button up is better"

"No its not, the red one takes the crown, can't believe you bought all this cause of one date"

"It's not just any date tae, its the date" Jimin said checking himself in the mirror. "This is my first date tae"

"Why do you keep saying it, I know chim" Taehyung snorted falling on the clothes scattered around Jimin's bed.

"What the hell tae get up from my clothes"

Taehyung responded with a giggle, Jimin tried to lift him up but his phone dings stopping them from their little fight. "Gosh I can't believe you tae, oh my god!" Jimin exclaimed running around to take what he needs to leave after checking his phone. "He's here"

And now Taehyung couldn't help but be a little jealous of Jimin. Its not even up to 3 month they came to South Korea Jimin has already found himself a man who likes him and wants to date him meanw--

"Hey what's that face for?" Taehyung blinks at the face that was now a mere inch from him. "Don't miss me too much yeah?" Jimin tapped his cheek smiling, before practically running out shouting. "come lock the door tae, take care, love you." And then he was gone leaving Taehyung alone to his thoughts.

Its not that Taehyung hasn't had admirers, I mean he works in a bar that's a given. The only problem is that Taehyung doesn't like any of them enough to date? Although most of them just look like they don't even want anything serious.

Or maybe Taehyung is just hung up on just one guy, he's been day dreaming about just one man, he is feeling for just one man. Jeon Jungkook, god! Just the name alone tells him how delusional he is.

He bets Jungkook doesn't even see him at all, if he does. There's no way the man finds him attractive.

With a never ending sigh Taehyung makes his way to the front door to lock it.


Jungkook has come to the conclusion to just fuck the hybrid off his system. I mean he knows the hybrid might have a thing for him.

Jungkook is not able to read what goes on in his head, he doesn't need his powers to know when someone has the hots for him

I mean he doesn't blame him, he knows he's hot. Jungkook can't count how many people wants to court him, people of status in the society.

He has received countless offers, from leaders all over Asia and beyond.
He's exactly the wet dreams of omegas betas and even alphas.

The alpha dropped his head on his office table, he can't seem to concentrate on anything except the hybrid. What the hell is happening to him.

The crave for the hybrid was strange and was honestly driving him crazy. And Jungkook really need to do something about it.

His final decision two days ago in his office is what brings him to the situation he is right now.

Jungkook had cornered the omega at the hall leading to the restroom.

Jungkook carefully watch the startled hybrid in front of him, he was indeed beautiful with delicate features. Jungkook wants to run his hand over his body, he shook his head trying to keep his hormones in check


"Hi" the hybrid replied eyes everywhere but on him

"I want you" Jungkook blurt out, making the hybrid freeze in place, there's no need beating around the bush. "I want to fuck you" he added for clarification. The hybrid eyes blew open, wider than Jungkook thinks is possible and he is pretty sure he's not even breathing at the moment.

Jungkook watch the hybrid open his mouth closed it opened it again and closed it, then his cheeks were turning red.

"Meet me here at 7 pm if you want" He gave the hybrid the little piece of paper he had written the hotel name and who to ask for when he gets there.

Jungkook didn't wait for any reply before turning away and walking towards the VIP lounge.

Bet y'all didn't see that one coming. He he he 

Think Tae is gonna go? and do you think it's a good idea to go if he decides to go?..

Alrighty Alrighty
Take care bye


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