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"What's going on?"

Jungkook turns to see shocked faces staring at him, he didn't know what to say.

The doctor moved past him to check on the hybrid.

Jungkook knows what he has to do, he ignores the shocked confused questioning eyes, heading outside.

Jin is sure they all look stupid right now, no one knows what is happening. Why did Jungkook come here? why did Jungkook show this much concern for someone he barely knows.. that's so not Jungkook-

"What the.." The doctor said turning to face them "I don't believe this"

"What happened? " He asked moving towards the doctor

"He's stabilize, his skin-" she breathes out looking more confuse. "What did he do?" she mumbles more to herself. "Who-

"That was Jeon Jungkook-" the doctor suddenly turned pale

"W-what? That's.. Oh my god! I didn't know"

And Jin is not even surprise, there are so many that only knows Jungkook by name not by face and this is always their reaction.

Jungkook was well respected and loved in their community especially with everything that surrounded his birth.

"That's ok"

"I just -" A ding sound coming from her halt whatever she wanted to say. "I have to check on another patient, please notify me if anything else happens, my respect and greetings to Sir Jungkook and about the other thing" she gives him a serious look "Be fast about it" She turned to look at the hybrid before walking out.

Nothing was making sense anymore

Jungkook did something but what? They all know Jungkook's abilities but it doesn't make sense on how he could help in this situation

Just then Taehyung grumbles and Jimin was by his side in a second.

Jin held his breathe also moving towards the hybrid

"Be right back" Yoongi said walking out and Jin knows he's going to look for Jungkook. His mate squeezed his hand following after Yoongi

"Tae" Jimin calls, cautiously touching Taehyung's hand..he abruptly turns to him with wide eyes.

Jin touches Taehyung's hand to feel what Jimin felt, Taehyung's skin has cooled off just like the Doctor said. But how?

Taehyung blinks up at them, the younger looks better than he's been since he fell sick.

"Tae" He called managing a smile

"Hi" His voice came out hoarsed and weak.

"How are you feeling dear?"

"Like I can breathe a little hyung"

"I'm so glad you're ok tae" Jimin breathes out

"Not for long" The hybrid respond squeezing his eyes shut

They both looked at the hybrid confuse

"Tae we are going to do everything possible to make sure you're ok" Jin promised firmly

Taehyung just stared at them then..

"Why ain't you both asking me the obvious question"

"What question?" Jimin asked confused, Jin already knows what Taehyung is talking about.

"Who got me pregnant"  Taehyung blurts out,
Jin feel Jimin froze beside him.

"Tae what we're more concerned about is to get you well again, that can come later" He quickly rush out

MERCILESS // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now