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It's been a week since him and Jungkook happened in that hotel room. Taehyung had wished, prayed and hoped that Jungkook at least will acknowledge his existence but nothing.

Jungkook has only been at the bar just once since this week, Taehyung is pretty sure the alpha is avoiding him which isn't just sitting right with him .

Ever since what happened with him and the Alpha, Taehyung can't help this pull that keeps pulling him to the older, the longing, the emptiness like something inside of him is screaming for the Alpha.

It's ridiculous but at this point he's beyond help, Jungkook has made it clear he doesn't want to have anything to do with him anymore

It hurts too much, he knew this was gonna happen. Taehyung has no one to blame but himself, it's all his fault. He dug himself inside this hole, he's the only one to blame.

But he doesn't regret the moment he had with Jungkook how gentle and carful he was with him.

"You know if you're just going to keep standing there like an idiot is better you just go home"

Off course sarah she's had it out for him since he started working here. Taehyung ignores her like he always does. "Mark wants to see you in his office"

Taehyung nervously makes his way towards their manager's office.

"Come in" Mark called out from the other side.
Taehyung" The beta starts immediately Taehyung was settled in the chair opposite from him. "Is there something wrong"

Taehyung is taken aback at that. "N-no"

"Hmmm been getting a lot of complaints lately, you're either spacing out or messing up orders, half the time you're in the restroom.

Taehyung feels his palm sweat, there's truth in everything the beta is saying it's been a rough week.


"If you're going through some rough time i don't mind giving you some few days off"

"No" Taehyung rushed out. "Please i just had a rough week but I'm fine now, I'm sorry for all the trouble i caused"

Mark hums again "Ok, but anymore complaints and my hands will be tight, you can go back" Taehyung jumped up bowing before making his way to the bar.

He's grateful Jimin's attention is mostly on his boss, he doesn't know how he would have escape the older's nosiness.


Jungkook has not for once stop thinking about what his grandmother said, he has learnt from experience never to take her words lightly.

And then there's Taehyung that has literally made a permanent tent in his head.

Jungkook is planning on going to see his grandmother at the end of the month, he needs to talk to her face to face about everything.

This can't be ordinary, Jungkook needs to know more, there's no way just anybody could block him, there's no way just anybody could drive him this fucking crazy.

There's has to be something more, Taehyung is no ordinary hybrid yes he's a defect which makes it more interesting.

How can a vampire not drink blood that's literally their food and how can a werewolf not shift?

Jungkook has spent hours going through Taehyung's file, to find something anything.

Taehyung is a child of a vampire and a werewolf, he shows the blue eye of an omega, has the fangs of vampires, which he doesn't even use.

Strange strange strange strange. Jungkook really needs to see his grandmother there's has to be more to the hybrid.


Taehyung woke up today feeling even worst, the last few days has not been easy.

"Tae this is getting worst" Taehyung tries to smile from where he was covered with a blanket but couldn't. His entire body ache, his inside was a warzone. "You're loosing so much weight I'm scared tae"

"Minnie I'm sure its nothing serious"

"Nothing serious? I woke up to you looking like you haven't eaten in months Tae this isn't nothing"

"I promise if it's gets worst I'll follow you to the hospital"

"I don't think you understand Tae, you're going to the hospital today."

Taehyung tried to manage a glare. "I told-" then he was coughing uncontrollably like he's been doing these past days.

Jimin rushed to get him a glass of water.

"-That it's not serious?" The older completes his earlier statement. "Tell that to Jin hyung that is own his way here" Jimin added.

"I told you not to worry him chim"

"And i told you i won't listen to you not on this"

"It's just a flu minie"

"We're supernatural beings we don't just get flu tae."

Taehyung chuckles weakly. "I think we've past that stage where i explain that everything about me is different"

"Still we're getting you to the hospital once hyung comes, oh!" Jimin exclaimed at the door bell. "Hyung is here"

Jimin stood up running to the front door.

Taehyung let himself breathe a little, pressing hard on his stomach,he's been trying so hard to suppress the sharp pain he's feeling inside his stomach.


"Hyung" Taehyung greets weakly

"What that hell happened to you!" Jin hyung looks horrified "oh my god" He rushed over to him. "Didn't i see you like a day ago?" He asked not waiting for any response. "Jimin what's going on? why does he look like he's been sick for months" without waiting for any response again. Jin hyung stood up already dailing a number.

Taehyung tries to talk but it was just too much work, he watches how his hyung's hand was shaking, Jimin was already crying.

"When did this start and why didn't you tell me sooner?" Jin hyung asked after his phone call.

"It's my fault"  Taehyung looked over to his friend shocked. "I neglected him, if i had paid more attention i would have noticed when this started."

"Minie" Taehyung called out weakly close to crying himself, the last thing he wants is Jimin to blame himself for what is obviously not his fault.

But Taehyung couldn't find the strength to talk, it seems the more time passes the more weaker he's becoming.

"Jimin stop don't blame yourself please, help me get him up."

Immediately he was in a sitting position he suddenly had the urge to throw up.

"I-" before he could even get the words out, he was already throwing up in the living room floor and all over his blanket.

He froze at what was coming out from his mouth, Taehyung slowly lift his face to meet equal horrified face of his hyung and best friend.

I wonder what's wrong with tae?

Alrighty guys
Take care until next time


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