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"It's so painful"

"I know pup I know but it will be over soon"

Loud bone cracking follows a louder scream.

"That's it pup that's it."

Within a second a very familiar wolf was staring at him. Jungkook let out a relief breath.

"Why are you naked?" is the first thing the wolf says

Jungkook splutters completely caught off guard. He looked down and noticed his towel was not on his waist but on the bed. He quickly wrapped it on his waist

"Hello to you too, you look healthy" He said instead, kissing the wolf's head

"Thanks to my destined" came the short proud reply in his head

Jungkook roll his eyes

He comes down from the bed so he can get what to wear the wolf offcourse followed him.

Jungkook pulled out a polo and a sweatpant, he turned to see the wolf in a sitting position staring up at him.

Jungkook sighs. "Can you turn around I want to change"


Jungkook roll his eyes, turn around to back the wolf and quickly changed.

He walked back and jump on his bed. He just wants to sleep even for an hour, his body needs it. The wolf jumped into the bed too.

"You know you're really handsome"
Jungkook was caught off guard again, he cleared his throat

"Uhmm thank you?"

"Your wolf is more appealing though"


"Whatever you say" Jungkook said with a yawn

Jungkook opened his arm as the wolf snuggle into him. Jungkook let his mind relax. He fell asleep seconds later.


He woke up unable to feel any part of his body. He tried to turn around but he couldn't. He slowly opened his eyes to Taehyung's wolf on top of him staring at him.

"Heavens! I can't feel my bones"

"Not my fault" Comes the reply in his head.

"Why haven't you shifted" Jungkook asked trying to push the wolf off him.

"I've been stuck all my existence, let me breathe fresh air Alpha" the sacastic voice rings in his head

Jungkook stopped his movement of trying to pushed the wolf off him and return the wolf's stare.

"I will never let any harm come to you ever again"

The wolf stared back at him. Jungkook tries to search his blue eyes for anything that could tell him what the wolf is thinking right now

All he gets is a hum before the wolf is jumping down from the bed and heading to the door.

He knows that's his queue to get up. He pickes up his phone, the time reads 7:20 am.

Jungkook immediately dialed his grandmother's number and like always a maid picked up first.

He walks towards the door and opened it. The wolf followed behind him.



"How are you and Taehyung?"

And so Jungkook dived into all the details of everything that happened including the vampire that showed up in his building, and him attacking their hideouts. He told her how they know about Taehyung.

MERCILESS // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now