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The doctor said she doesn't know what to do anymore, basically saying she can't help.

Taehyung has been screaming "hurt" and they basically couldn't do anything than just cry.

Jin was about running out to Jungkook, maybe he can do whatever he did earlier-

The door opened loudly, speak of the devil

Jungkook moved past them towards the hybrid, literally pushing all of them out of the way.

And it happened again, Taehyung stopped shaking, his breathing steadied again.

Taehyung blink open his eyes and stare at Jungkook.

They all just stood still..barely breathing, watching as Jungkook and Taehyung stare at each other before Taehyung's eyes slipped shut again

Jin turned around to meet his mate's eyes linking them immediately to ask what's happening all he got is "later".

He snapped his head so fast at the thick burnt scent of anger, Jimin was blocking Jungkook that had already picked up Taehyung bridal style, ready to leave?

The doctor had moved to the side leaving a crying Jimin in the middle blocking Jungkook.

Jin wanted to also try to stop Jungkook from just picking Taehyung and leaving without saying anything, like the hell is happening

But his mouth closed on its own at the glare Jungkook was sending Jimin.

"Jimin" him and Yoongi called at the same time but it was too late..

"Get out of my way" Jungkook loud deep voice echoes in the quite room, Jimin was flung to the other side of the room before he could even blink

Seokjin let a loud scream, Yoongi screams Jimin's name running towards him.

Jungkook didn't even look back, he ran out with Taehyung in his arms.

"I-is he ok?" Jin finally asked

Jimin murmers something and Jin let out a relief breathe..Jimin is ok.

He turns to glare at his mate.

"Tell me what in the world is going on Joon, where is Jungkook taking Taehyung? I mean why would he just come here and take him, what the hell is going on?"


"I swear I'll scream down this building if you dont tell me what's goi-"

"It's Jungkook"

"What ar-"

"He's responsible for Taehyung's pregnancy" Seokjin turns to Yoongi almost breaking his neck in the process



The hybrid stired and stared at him, Jungkook halt his action of putting the seat belt on him.

"Hi" Jungkook breathes out getting a confuse stare in return

A long drag silence of them just staring at each other before Taehyung mutters out a weak "what are you doing?"

And Jungkook knows he's asking about what he's doing in general

Jungkook fix his seat belt pulled back to sit properly in the driver's seat.

"Trying to save your life" Taehyung hums eyes slipping shut.

"Why do I feel so calm when you're close?"

Jungkook didn't know why..maybe a little but he wasn't sure of anything right now

"I don't know" He said honestly

MERCILESS // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now