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By the time they were stepping foot inside the third hideout they were all bloody. Hoseok had find out three hideouts in Seoul alone. Jungkook had no single mercy for these rebels, they were against the new rules.

Obviously against peace.

Jungkook parked his motorbike, his friends did the same. They had to use a bike to take care of this faster before dawn.

The building was an abandoned warehouse, atleast it was an open space compare to the other hideouts.

They walked towards the building in silence. Jungkook hear bone cracking behind him.

"I'll go in first"

"Careful" Yoongi said in their bond

Jungkook opens the door to the warehouse, his eyes adjusted immediately to the dark room.

Two vampires scrambled to their feet and run in for an attack.

"Now" Jungkook said in their bond.

He meets one half way digging his claws into his chest in a second. Jungkook watch as the man slump to the floor, the second vampire froze right in front of him.

By now the others are waking up and his brothers were already attacking.


"Yes me" He swiftly pull out the dagger and stab the male in the heart, digs it deeper and gets a desperate scream in response.

The daggers were no ordinary daggers, there's nothing made by his grandmother that is ordinary

Jungkook didn't waste anytime, the others were already attacking. They weren't much so this wasn't really a fight for him.

Jungkook stab and dug in to vampires heart and watch them fall lifeless on the floor. He needed one alive.

He noticed the one fighting with Namjoon seem strong and maybe the leader of this group? He wants to have a little chat with one of them.

"Namjoon I got this" He said in their bond.

He runs in front of the vampire pick him by the neck and slam him on the wall. The vampire let out a painful cry, Jungkook was on him before the vampire could recover from the hit.

He picked him up by his neck, lift his legs above the ground and slammed him against the wall trapping him against it. He tightens his hand on the vampire's neck holding him in place

The vampire's eyes widens in recognition, Jungkook knows the male already knows who he is. Only one man can overpower them like this.

"Hello there" Jungkook said digging his claws in the red eyes bastard's neck. "I just need some information from you that's all"

The vampire struggle to compose himself, the fear and shock on his face was quickly replace by a glare, fangs all out threateningly

"I'm not telling you shit leader Jungkook"

"Hmm" Jungkook hums already expecting the answer. "I wasn't asking red eyes I'm gonna get it my self" The male stare at him obviously doesn't understand how he's going to do that. Most of them still don't know the extent of his power

Jungkook just needs to ask the question the male will answer it in his head and that will be his queue to get it.

"How many hideouts do rebels have in Seoul" 

"Three not that I'm ever telling you" The male thought with pressed lips

"Thanks" Jungkook said shocking the male

MERCILESS // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now