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His heartbeat pick up a faster beat as they come down from the ship, this really happened, they are finally in South Korea.

This is his mother's homeland, this is also his home.


"My hyung should be somewhere," Jimin said looking around. He joined Jimin in looking around although he didn't know what the male looked like.

And then Jimin was smiling and screaming "hyung" running towards a tall handsome man with pink hair?

Taehyung followed his friend and watch him jump on the man he's assuming is Seokjin

"Hyung this is my best friend Taehyung"

Taehyung rushed to clean his hand when the man stretches out his hand to shake him.

"Hi" He said shaking the man's hand.

The man smiled at him. "Hi, Taehyung nice to finally meet you, how old are you Taehyung? sorry for asking so suddenly, you just look really young"

Seokjin said still smiling at him, Taehyung just met this man but he feels comfortable with him already

"I'm 18"

"Oh still a baby" Seokjin voiced out with sparkling eyes, you and minji are close in age, oh! The man exclaimed, like he just remembered something "This is Minji, my cousin"

A young boy that was standing beside the pink haired-male smiles and shook both of their hands. Taehyung has only met two people, so far he feels it's gonna be perfect here.

"Come on" The older man called out for them, they followed without no question. "Taehyung I learnt you're a double breed."

"Yes" he mumbled quietly, honestly he hates talking about it, it makes him out to be the weirdo that he really is.

The man must have noticed how reluctant he is to talk about it.

"Listen Taehyung, I'm not going to judge you or anything, you're safe with me, I need that information if I'm gonna be able to help you"

Taehyung nods. Telling him every necessary information about himself

"Thank you for telling me"

They followed him to where a black Jeep was parked."Minji?" Jin turned around to his cousin with a stretch hand, Minji handed an envelope to him. Jin opened it and brought out two printed white papers. "You're gonna need this to cross into the country properly, don't worry, you already have an advantage with me here"

Jin handed the papers to them, it has his name written on it with the word permission into the country boldly written on it. Jimin must have told him his name. There was one problem though, his father's name, he doesn't want that man's name attach to his.

"This is just to cross the border, so it's just for today" Taehyung almost let a relief sigh slipped out of his mouth. "Once we're at the other side, we'll get all your papers done, like I said you're safe with me"

Taehyung wants to ask who he really is, is he in any way related to the leaders. "Come on we'll talk about other things when you settle down"

Jimin and Taehyung settled in the back seat. Taehyung doesn't think he has ever entered such a nice car like this before, the thought alone made him smile, he turned to Jimin who had a smile on too.

Crossing the border wasn't all that difficult for them. There were many men in uniforms shouting and ordering people around, everyone came down from their vehicles to a clearing point to clear themselves before allowing to cross into the country.

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