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"In all my years as a doctor I've never seen anything like this"

They were in the doctor's office again, right after Taehyung was stabilize and cleaned up.

The younger looks like he won't survive another day and Jimin thinks he's gonna collapse from fear

"He's dying hyung, he's dying"  He couldn't even recognize his own voice

Jin brings him into a hug whispering comforting words into his hair.

"I put out calls to some of my colleagues" The doctor starts looking exhausted. "They suggested a lot of things one of which we havent done yet" She said eyes fixed on them

"And that is?" Jin hyung asked turning a little to face the doctor

"Pregnancy test"

Jimin froze like literally froze, he stares at the doctor to obviously see her laughing but she wasn't, she looks serious like she meant it.

Jimin laughs, tears streaming down his face, cause this was all a joke, he was definitely dreaming, none of this is real.

Taehyung cannot just wake up one day looking like he won't survive another, and now a doctor is staring at him and talking about pregnancy in same sentence with Taehyung this is a joke

"Hyung" he called after he stopped laughing, his hyung and the doctor looking at him like he just lost his mind which he obviously has. "I'm gonna head home and take a long nap and when I wake up Taehyung will be right beside me smiling and telling me how he's gonna become a millionaire from tips"

He laughs again but stopped when the others in the room just look more worried than scared. "Ok then bye" he turned to leave but Jin hyung stopped him.


"No hyung I can't be here right now, this is absurd"

"Jimin!" Jin hyung screamed shaking him."Get yourself fucking together" He stopped moving hearing the curse word from his hyung, he's never heard him cursed before. "You are not dreaming, Taehyung isn't gonna wake up next to you smiling, he's fucking dying in there"

Jimin shook his head. "It doesn't make sense hyung none of this make sense"

"I kno-"

"No you don't" He cuts him off, too out of it to think straight. "She's talking about pregnancy, like pregnancy I mean pregnancy?" He starts laughing again but stop abruptly. "He's a virgin hyung, a freaking virgin, so how on earth - just - does this make sense to you cause it doesn't to me"

Jin hyung stares at him and Jimin return his stare. "Excuse us for just a minute doctor" His hyung said dragging him gently outside

"Jimin" The older starts immediately they were outside the office

"Hyung please tell me you see how absurd this is" he desperately pleads. "We should definitely take him to another hospital this people don't know what they're doing, we are wasting time on things that are obviously not the problem"

"Jimin this is one of the best supernatural hospitals you'll find here in Seoul, listen, how about the doctor conducts the preg-"

"No hyung, did you not hear what I just said? he's virgin hyung, he's always told me how he's gonna give his first time to his prince charming and just last month he said it again after watching some love movie, so unless he's found his prince charming that no one knows about or he got pregnant by air"


"We're wasting time hyung, something is seriously wrong with him and she's talking about pregnancy, he's freaking throwing up blood how does that even relate to pregnancy?"

"Jimin will let me talk?" The younger looks away running his hand through his hair. "She knows better than us, it's her job and the doctors that suggested this also know better than us"

"Hyu-" he tries

"No let me finish, its absurd so is everything happening what's the harm in trying?"

"Time wasting"

"Fair enough but at least that would be off the table right?"

"It shouldn't even be on the table"

"Listen we do this and if it's not the case, Jungkook is coming back tomorrow, I'll beg him to use his connection to reach out for help"

"Why would he want to help, he doesn't even know him don't forget he hates vampires"

"He's not as bad as everyone makes him out to be Jimin, just trust me on this one, I'll do everything within my power to make sure Taehyung is ok again"

Jimin nods feeling extremely grateful. "Yeah um ok"


And here they are waiting for a ridiculous test, that Jimin is hundred percent sure is a waste of time.

Jin hyung's mate just got here few minutes ago with the other male Hoseok, though they are leaving soon cause they have work to do, in any case Jimin is grateful to them for even coming

They were equally shocked at hearing what was happening and Jimin is in some way happy to see the worry in their eyes, he's glad there are people other than him who genuinely cares about Taehyung

"Excuse me" a nurse said walking to them. "He's awake"

Jimin almost fell of his seat, he darts for the room Taehyung is in but stopped at the door scared of what he's gonna see.

He slowly opens the door and indeed Taehyung was awake but still looks out of it.

"Oh I was going to call for you about the test result before I got a call he was awake" The doctor said which Jimin was half paying attention to.

He heard Jin hyung mutters thanks and something else he didn't care to know right now, his eyes was on his best friend, Taehyung looks in pain still, his eyes keep opening and closing.

He slowly moves towards him taking his hand but droped it immediately with a scream. Turning to the others with wide eyes

"He's on fire"

"Yes that's how he woke up, terribly burning up, we already administered some drugs, all we can do is hope it helps."

Jimin starts crying again, he doesn't even know what to do anymore.

He moved closer to his friend again making sure not to touch him.

"Hey tae" he called with cracked voice

"Chim?" Taehyung turned his head, eyes opening a little to look at him like he just noticed him

"Hey" He didn't even know what to say so he just starts crying again

"Tae how you feeling?" Jin hyung asked moving towards them

"Hyung" Taehyung paused closing his eyes. "I feel like there's acid in my body, like I want every single blood in my system drain out."

Jimin is sure they all froze together.


"Let me sleep that's only when it's peaceful in here" he finished, weakly touching his stomach.

Jimin almost dropped on the floor, he finds Jin hyung's wide eyes who turned to the doctor, he did same.

Waiting for a confirmation


There has to be something more right?

Thoughts on how Jungkook will react to this?

Take care yall

MERCILESS // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now