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"Stop don't" Taehyung couldn't explain what is wrong but he could feel something is wrong.

"Hey Tae what's wrong?"

Jimin turned around to face him with a frown. Taehyung couldn't look away from outside.

"Tae" He snapped his eyes to meet Jimin's worried ones.

"Something is wrong"

"What do you mean?"

That's the problem, he can't explain but he knows something is just off.

"I think-"

He didn't get to finish his statement when a group of people suddenly pop out on the other side of the building. Red eyes filled with rage


Taehyung takes a step back.

"Tae" Jimin starts but seem to have seen what Taehyung is seeing too. 'Oh my god"

"Shit get back inside get back inside!"

The security Alpha shouts, phone already placed on his ear.

Taehyung was stricken with fear

"They can't get inside the building, go back inside!" The Alpha barks out again.

"T-tae come on" Jimin's shaky hands held his. They rushed back inside. Jimin was already calling Yoongi's number


Jungkook runs inside the building like a mad man. Vampires dares show their face here? He knows they can't get inside this building. But the audacity

Jungkook wants to beat himself up for reaching here this late. He's been stuck in a conference meeting all day. Usually his phones are switch off during days like this. By the time his friends and security could get to him ..... He sighs shaking his head.

What if it was in a situation where Taehyung needed him immediately.

Taehyung Taehyung Taehyung.

He only took some comfort in the fact that Taehyung was still inside the building and vampires can't enter the building. Plus his friends were able to get here faster

You have to combine every witch and sorcerer to ever been born to be able to penetrate his grandmother's spell on this building

This building is spelled by her to keep vampires out. In fact nobody can't step into the building with evil intent.

Jungkook let out a sigh when he got to the front of his door, he quickly put in his code

He pushed his door open to see Namjoon and Jin cuddled up in one sofa. Jimin, Yoongi and Taehyung was in the opposite sofa. Jimin had his head on Yoongi's shoulder while Taehyung's head was on Jimin's legs.

They all turned around to look at him.

What suprised him was how fast Taehyung stood up to rush to him.
He almost fell. "Taehyung careful" Jimin's panick voice rings out.

Jungkook closed the remaining distance taking the distress omega into his arms.

Taehyung didn't say anything but buried his nose into his neck with a sigh.

"You're ok" He continues to say

Jungkook was confused and more worried about the state his destined is in.

He lift his head to search his friends faces for answers, but nothing.

After much pull and drag cause Taehyung didn't want to release him from the tight hug, they finally made it to the empty sofa in his living room.

MERCILESS // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now