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Jungkook almost jumped out of his skin from the light knock on the door. He shouldn't even be this surprise, he had already told the receptionist to let the hybrid in, maybe he wasn't really expecting him to show up.

Jungkook let out a long breath, adjusting himself properly before opening the door to an awkward looking male.

The hybrid looks beautiful, Jungkook can see the little effort he puts into his appearance.

"Hi" came the timid voice

"Hi, come on in" He moved out of the way to let the hybrid in

The hybrid, Taehyung moved in slowly and as awkward as any awkward situation can be.

Seeing the hybrid here alone in a space like this wasn't helping Jungkook at all, he's definitely going crazy.

"Take a sit, Taehyung right?"
The hybrid blush nodding sitting on the one seater sofa in the hotel room. He was looking everywhere but Jungkook and Jungkook finds it actually cute. "Do you want anything" Jungkook asked cause yes he wants to try and make him comfortable before anything.

Taehyung shook his head "No" The hybrid briefly looks at him before looking away and blushing even harder, whatever he saw on Jungkook must have been impressive to bring such immediate effect.

Jungkook actually finds him endearing, not really his type still cute.

"Ok" he moved towards the male who quickly looked down. Jungkook sits on the handle of the sofa watching him closely, he wants to undress and touch this boy so badly.

"You want this Taehyung?" Jungkook asked the hybrid nods, eyes still fixed on the floor.

"I need words"

"Yes" Jungkook nods satisfied

"You know what hook up is?" he asked to make sure they're on agreed terms. Jungkook might be seen by many as a playboy who doesn't really care about people's feeling, who fucks and hurt people, in reality that's not who he is, his grandmother taught him better than that.

The hybrid didn't respond immediately but eventually did, peeking at Jungkook behind his eyelashes before looking down again.

"Yes, y-you - just s-" His cheeks got redder again.

And Jungkook already got his answer maybe he should have asked more questions but he didn't cause his body was literally flaming up with want.

"Hey look at him" when the hybrid didn't move, Jungkook carefully hooked a finger on his jaw lifting his face up but the hybrid had his eyes shut.

He was beautiful, lips so red, so kissable so inviting. Jungkook wasn't even thinking properly anymore.

He leaned in and peck his lips, that made his eyes to fly open, widen in shock,Jungkook chuckles, watching the hybrid's eyes widen even more before closing again.

He couldn't take it anymore, he stood up bend over and carried him bridal style causing him to let out a loud yelp but shyly buried his face on his chest.

Jungkook carefully drop him on the bed. He moved on top of the younger finding his lips in a second.

He feels the fire inside him subsiding, Taehyung's lips felt like what he needed to keep on living.

Taehyung opened his mouth to let him invade his mouth some more.

Jungkook can feel the inexperience but like usual he pushed it to the back of his mind.

He's craved this for so long ,now that he has the boy here, he's overwhelmed.

Jungkook breaks away from the kiss and lash his mouth on the hybrid's neck, he makes sure not to leave any mark no matter how much his wolf is screaming at him to claim to mark, which is ridiculous cause that's so unlike his wolf

MERCILESS // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now