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"You know I'm beginning to think you'll die single"

"I'm twenty five" Jungkook fired back, rolling his eyes

"Jungkook I think Namjoon is right"

"You shouldn't even open your mouth grandpa" Jungkook retorts with a smirk causing the group to break into laughter. He knows Yoongi hates that name well he likes irritating his hyung

"At least I've had serious relationships"

"Well, congratulations none of it lasted" Yoongi glared at the younger before shaking his head. There's never a way to win against Jungkook

"So what exactly are you looking for in a mate, I mean we all know scent is the first green light to potential mates, let's know the physical appearance man, so we'll start searching"

"Just because you got mated a few minutes ago now you feel you're some kind of expert?" Jungkook couldn't help the wide smirk at Hoseok's reaction. He was always the one who wears his emotions on his sleeve among them. If hobi is angry everyone knows, if he's happy everyone sure will know.

"I've been mated for more than a year Jungkook"

"Exactly," Jungkook said, earning another loud laughter from his friends.

"You're insufferable "

"Thanks, one of my many talents," Jungkook said smiling, slowly sipping his wine.

They were settled in the Vip in Yoongi's bar. Jungkook really likes it up here, it wasn't too far up above the ground floor. It was situated in a position where everything going on in the bar is visible to them. Jungkook likes it more because they can see everyone but no one can see through the glass covering the VIP lounge.

"I heard you employed two new people" Hoseok voices, eyes fixed on Yoongi.

"Yup you heard right"

"Thought your space was filled"

"You're right again but I did it as a favour for Jin"

Jungkook darts his eyes to where the said male was seated head resting on his mate's shoulder. Jungkook has known him for years but he won't say they are friends at least not compared to others. He's Namjoon's mate and for that Jungkook respects him.

"Jin?" Hoseok inquire.

Jungkook can see the shyness brushing through the omega probably from having eyes on him,not any eyes Alphas eyes. Even though they are kinda friends, they sit, talk and laugh together, Jin was still an omega in the midst of Alphas.


"One is even a vampire" Yoongi said

Jungkook stiffens eyes now fixed on Yoongi.

"He's some kind of a defective hybrid or something" Yoongi adds casually sipping his wine.

Jungkook's ears perked up, what is he talking about? Before he could ask more Jin spoke up.

"He's a vampire and a werewolf but--" The omega paused looking like he'll rather say something else than what he's about to say.

"Like Yoongi say he's kinda a defect on both side, he's a vampire but doesn't drink blood--"

"Doesn't drink blood? how's that possible?"
Hoseok asked perplexed

"That's what I know, he also doesn't shift but he's a werewolf, his mother was a werewolf and his father a vampire" Jin finished with a sigh.

Jungkook takes in the information, how is that even possible? he has seen and heard a lot about hybrids never a defect one. Hybrid wasn't really respected in the supernatural community.
They are definitely not strong or special as books portray them.

MERCILESS // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now