FINAL EXTRA - Christmas 2030

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Louis' POV - 24th December 2030

"We have some really big news." Danny said slowly as he and his girlfriend of four years sat down at the table. 

Niall finished placing out the plates, muttering a quick dig in before he sat down next to me. 

"What is the news?" Eliza, our twelve year old daughter, asked, leaning over so she could stare at her brother intently. 

"We don't want to worry you, and this wasn't planned." Naomi stated. Niall's head snapped up, along with mine. I had been expecting them to say they were moving in together or something, but if it wasn't planned then it had to be something more than that. I could see the fear swimming around in Niall's eyes, as I imagine it was in my own. 

"What is it...?" Niall trailed off, obviously wanting to say more but scared of what he might do. 

Danny took a deep breath, running his spare hand through his dark blonde hair. "Don't freak out please." He pleaded, looking between Niall and I. Niall didn't show any reaction, so I just placed my hand in his and squeezed it, nodding at Danny to carry on. 

We both knew what was coming. 

"Naomi is pregnant." Danny finally told us, I could see Naomi placing her hand in Danny's. 

And then it came.

"WHAT?!" Niall screeched, an angry look crossing his face. "Danny you can't be serious." 

"Ni calm down please." I said, nudging my husband, slightly annoyed at his outburst. 

"We didn't want this to happen, but we plan to keep the baby." Naomi spoke softly, obviously trying to stay calm even though she was probably terrified of Niall right now. 

"But kids, you're only 18, you're in your second year of uni! Danny you've got five to go for gods sake! And you don't even have a job!" Niall shouted, looking less annoyed and more upset now. 

"Dad Naomi can take a year off next year once the baby's born, and she has a job. Then I can easily get a part time one! We've figured it out! Naomi's boss says she can work full time at the salon in the year that's she off, and with the benefits and if I get a job on the side, we'll have more than enough! There's room in my flat as well! And Dad, you were 18 when you got a 17 year old pregnant with me, so don't start that!" 

"You won't be needing benefits Danny, we'll help you out." I finally joined in. 

"You're encouraging this?" Niall questioned, turning towards me. 

"Come on Niall we have more than enough money to bring up five kids let alone our own Son's. And we managed just fine to bring Danny up at a young age, they know what they're doing." I scoffed. 

I noticed Eliza looking worriedly between the four of us, her brown ponytail bobbing up and down as she followed the voices in the room. 

"Have you nearly finished El?" I asked her. 

"Err no." She replied quietly. 

"Well you can eat the rest of your tea in the living room." I phrased it more as an order, so she would get the picture. She nodded, smiling thankfully as she picked up her class and plate and scurried through to the lounge. 

"Look, I'm just worried that you two are too young, Lou and I were different, we'd made enough money already to live the rest of our lives without working, you two are still in education! And what if you don't stay together?" Niall said, back to his normal calm demeanour now. 

"Dad, we'll be able to get by, that's all that matters. Then, Naomi and I have been together since we were fourteen, I think we're pretty safe for now, don't you? If we do split up, we know what will happen, but that doesn't look like any time soon." 

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