Chapter Nine - Worried

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Zayn's POV

On the way home from the interview, everything changed back to normal. Liam had perked up. He was talking the Harry and Lou about something. Obviously, the headache had faded. Niall went back to completely ignoring Louis and blanking me as often as he could.

I knew he had liked Louis, but really, why did he have to fall out with me about it? I know I was with the one he loved. But Louis loved me, right? And I loved Louis back, didn't I?

Stop lying to yourself. My conscience drifted in. I pushed it away. I did love Louis. I had every right to be with him. I wasn't affecting Niall personally. Sure, Louis had led him on, then dropped him when I came along. He was the one who hurt Niall, not me.

Stop making excuses. I sighed, my sub-conscious mind was right, I was making excuses. Niall should be the one that's with Louis. There was no question over who loved him more.

In fact, there was no question over who actually loved him. I wouldn't admit it to myself for so long, but I wasn't in love with Louis. Sure, he made me feel all fluttery inside. I was attracted to him. I also believe I was completely and utterly infatuated with him. But love was a strong word. I didn't share the same feelings as Louis and Niall did.

It wasn't like Louis didn't love Niall back either. I saw the way Louis looked at him, it was almost the same look, if not more intense, that he gave me. Louis was in love with Niall.

Why are you such an idiot then, your boyfriend loves someone else, let him go!

But the thing was, I didn't want to let him go.

Louis' POV

We had spent the last two days before we went on tour just chilling around the house, scared to leave in case we got mobbed by screaming girls.

It had been a fun two days, we'd played lots of x-box, and watched tons of movies. Though it was usually just Harry, Liam, Zayn and I. Niall kept himself to himself. He often spoke with Liam and despite being a bit quiet, he was perfectly friendly with Harry.

Liam told he us he hadn't been feeling to well either, and that's why he had been in bed a lot. At night, we started to notice the constant coughing he did, usually until about three in the morning.

We were all sat around watching the transformers, it was our last day before going on tour.

Niall walked into the living room. I couldn't help but notice he was really off colour.

"Niall are you okay?" I asked. He stopped to look at me, before giving a quick nod and sitting down on the free chair at the side of the room. I hardly ever spoke to him nowadays, but I was scared for him. He was still one of my best friends and he clearly wasn't well. He started to cough again.

"Nialler, you gonna be able to sing tomorrow, with that cough?" Liam asked, looking over at Niall with a worried expression on his face.

"I've been having that cough syrup thing and its helped. I'll be back to normal by tomorrow honest." Niall said, not looking too calm.

"Okay, guys I'm gonna order a dominos, what do you all want?"

"Veggie," Zayn shouted, smiling at Liam.

"Meat feast!" I said from underneath Zayn who had decided to plonk himself down on top of me.

"Same as Lou." Harry muttered, not taking his eyes off the T.V.

"Niall?" Liam asked, looking over at the quiet blond boy.

"Oh, nothing." Niall returned.

Everyone of us in the room turned to face Niall, shocked expressions plastered over all of our faces.

"You- you don't want anything?" Liam questioned, stunned.

"Niall turned down food?" Harry uttered, equally stunned.

"I'm not hungry."

"Oh my god Niall, you must be ill! We need to get you to the doctors, hospital, something!" Liam feared, half joking, half serious, getting up from his place on the sofa and rushing over to Niall. He bent down and placed his hand on the boy's head. "You feeling warm or cold?"

"Um, cold." Niall said. It was then that I realised he had come down in a polo shirt, covered with a jumper and sweat pants, when the house was actually roasting.

"Your heads burning, you have a fever!" Liam exclaimed.

"I'm fine!" Niall shouted, trying to get up, but Liam stopped him.

"Ni, seriously, you might have the flu or something."

"I don't have the flu, I'm not snotting or sneezing, its just a bad cough!" Niall denied, looking unamused by the situation.

"At least have some calpol or something?" Liam asked, his voice shaking,

"Fine." Niall replied.

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