Chapter Twelve - Another Mistake?

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Nialls POV 

I didn't answer Louis, instead I carried on walking out of the small kitchen, picking up my hoodie that lay on one of the chairs from around the T.V. 

"I'll see you guys tomorrow yeah? I'm gonna go to my room and get an early night." I said to Liam, Harry and Zayn. 

"Sure mate, get a good sleep yeah?" Liam said, cocking his head back over the sofa so he could see me. I nodded and Harry smiled at me, waving, I swear that boy is never unhappy.

Zayn stayed silent, it was then that I realised he hadn't spoken since him and Louis had come to Liam's room, Louis must of broken up with him after the hospital.

I made my way into my bedroom, dumping my stuff on the floor, I stared at the pile of bloody clothes from earlier today and sighed. If it wasn't for my coughing fit we would be preforming right now. I pulled out my phone and opened up my conversation with Louis, the last time I had texted him was over a month ago, we had been joking around saying we would marry each other. He could never argue he didn't flirt with me. I quickly typed a message.

Come to my room, we can talk here.

I made a note not to put any kisses or love hearts. Less than two minutes had gone by when I heard a knock at the door, I opened it and Louis pushed past me into the room, turning round to face me after I slammed the door shut.

"Do you not care or something? Why did you just walk off like that?" He questioned, staring at me intently. I motioned for him to sit down on the bed. I climbed on after him and crossed my legs so I was fully facing him.

"I just didn't want to talk in there, the guys could of heard it." I said simply.

"Oh, well, thank god, I thought you didn't care about it." Louis said, softening up.

"Lou, why have you finished Zayn, I thought you loved him?" I asked, looking directly into his deep blue eyes. It sounds so cliche, but his eyes were perfect, I could probably spend days, maybe years just looking into those bright orbs, getting lost in them.

Louis looked everywhere in the room but at myself, he spoke slowly, trying to find the right words. "I don't think it's right to be with someone when you love someone else. You're right, I do love him, but I love you as well." He finished, fiddling with his thumbs and looking down at the hem of his shirt, playing with the braces that were placed around his shoulders.

"Lou, I - "

He cut me off, crashing his lips to mine, I pushed him away as I felt a coughing fit coming on, I started spluttering, I ran to the kitchenette and filled a pint glass with water, downing it in two big gulps.

"Lou, don't, you'll catch this off me." I said as I made my way back to the bed, laying down and staring at the ceiling.

"I probably already have Ni." He answered slowly. He climbed up so he was straddling me, leaning down to meet my lips, I kissed him back, allowing him entry to my mouth. We stayed like this for a minute or so, just kissing with him lay down on top of me, but soon he took his hand from where it was, playing with my hair, to the gap between my top and chinos.

He traced a finger along my top, getting up and pulling it off in one swift movement, he lent down again, kissing me as he rolled us over, I sat up and pulled off his braces, trying to carry on kissing as he helped me undo his shirt.

I stopped kissing his lips, and made my way down to his neck, kissing along his collarbone until I found his sweet spot. He moaned as I sucked there, leaving several love bites. 

"Niall.." He whispered softly as we rolled over yet again, he moved his hands up and down my body as we kissed, soon meeting the waistband of my chinos. He teased me by pushing his hand underneath them, before pulling them off quickly. I sat up with him around my waist and helped him remove his trousers, till we were both inter wined wearing only our boxers. Louis started to kiss all the way down my torso, he looked up seductively as he grabbed my boxers and pulled them off, chucking them across the room. He started to play with my member, slowly at first but soon pumping up and down quickly, kissing me in the process. I gasped and felt him smirk against my lips, obviously proud he was causing me pleasure. 

"Louis" I croaked out as he slowed down, just as I was about to release. He leant down to give me one last kiss before I climaxed.


The next morning I woke up with a warm arm draped around me, I was completely naked, it took a few minutes before the previous night returned to my memory. I turned around, unsurprisingly Louis lay there, his nose tucked softly into the crook of my neck. I tried but failed to move his arm without waking him. He rubbed his eyes with his other free hand, fluttering his eyes open.

"Morning." I said softly, looking down at the other naked lad.

"Niall, oh - eh about last night.." 

I watched as his eyes filled with dread and he pulled the cover so they were covering his body.

"It was perfect Lou." I mumbled, looking away from him, trying to find comfort somewhere else in the room.

"I had a few beers in Liam's room and -" 

"So you regret it, it was a mistake, that's fine, I get it. " I muttered, holding back the angry tears that were threatening to fall, he had used me?

"No, I just, I'm - I'm confused at the moment.." He trailed off.

"O - okay." I whispered, my voice cracking. I climbed out of bed, pulling on the dirty sweat pants that lay on the floor and pulling on a pair of supras in seconds. I grabbed a top from a drawer and ran out the room, ignoring Louis' calls after me.

Two hours an twenty seven missed calls later I sat in a cafe just around the corner from the hotel, I was about to get up and leave, my flight to Ireland was in five hours and I needed to pack. But a small blonde girl sat in the seat across from me, a sad smile spread across her face.

"You're Niall Horan, right?" She asked, looking attentively at me. I sighed, of course someone was gonna notice me.

"Wow how did you know?" I answered sarcastically.

"I'm Daisy, Crossley." She said, placing a hand across the table, motioning for me to shake it. I ignored it. "I'm guessing you've been crying?" She asked, looking at my cheeks.

"Wait, where have I heard that name before?" I said, realising the name sounded familiar. 

"A few weeks ago, I think I touched a nerve on twitter, you replied to me." She finished sincerely.

"Oh, you're the girl who said I like Louis." I said, laughing after I finished my sentence, this was the genius.

"I'm clever yeah, I know you like him, is he the reason you're in this state?" Daisy asked, cocking her head to the side, I wondered whether to answer her, she didn't seem like the horrible type.

"Ummhmm." I ushed, avoiding eye contact.

"I knew it, my instincts are never wrong." She said, a wide smile spreading across her face. "C'mon hun, tell me all about it."

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