Chapter One - Found Out

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First ever fan fic, god help me.


Chapter One - Found Out

Louis POV

Zayn jerked away from me as we heard footsteps making their way down the hallway to my bedroom. He sat down beside me and ruffled his messy hair, regaining his composure. I quickly brushed myself off, trying to look as normal as possible.

We had been kissing, it had become quite a regular past time of ours recently, not that I was complaining.

I smiled at my boyfriend. He winked back at me, smirking his cheeky grin. He then turned towards his phone as though nothing had happened.

Harry appeared in the doorway, a sad expression on his face. He was completely oblivious to what had been going on in the room just moments before.

"What's up Hazza?" Zayn and I said in unison, which of course made Zayn giggle so much he nearly fell off the bed.

Harry sighed, staring down at his feet. "Liam and Niall just went out. I got the feeling they really didn't want me to go with them - mind if I hang with you two?" He mumbled, looking down at his feet, almost pouting.

"Sure!" I said, sitting up and patting a space at the end of the bed. Zayn sat up, his back cracking loudly.

Harry placed himself down in the space I had indicated, seeming to cheer up a little. "They said they were going shopping."

I realised then why the boys hadn't wanted Harry with them. They were probably shopping for his birthday present, not that I could tell him that.

"Maybe they just wanted to have some chill time just the two of them? I'm sure it's nothing personal!" Zayn tried to reassure Harry, obviously thinking the same thing as me.

I had been shopping last week with Zayn to try and find Harry's present, with no luck. Despite it being a completely wasted trip, something good had come out of it, I smiled as the memory filled my head...

"You can't get him that you silly bugger!" Zayn said, laughing and shaking his head while I held up a purple teddy monkey.

"He's too bloody hard to shop for!" I argued, laughing along with Zayn and placing the cute cuddly toy back on the shelf. I kissed its plastic nose and mumbled "Farewell pretty monkey!" before storming out the shop, pretending to be annoyed.

Zayn was quick at my heels. I jumped into the car, waiting for him to go around to the passengers side. When he popped in, I started the engine, taking the familiar route to our home.

"You're a rubbish best friend you are." Zayn joked.

"I can't seem to find anything he'll like, okay?" I shouted, feeling slightly hurt at Zayn's little joke.

"Sorry, did I offend you Lou?" Zayn asked quietly, suddenly wrapping his long arms around me, distracting me from driving.

My whole body sizzled when he touched me. I looked down into his big, round, brown eyes. We swerved almost instantly and I snapped my attention straight back to the road.

"Get off me Zayn. I'll end up killing us." I said, smiling down at him. He grew a cheesy white grin and jumped up.

My body tingled where he had touched me. If this was what I felt like after a touch, what would it be like after a kiss?

I cursed myself for thinking about such unrealistic happenings. I couldn't act on my crush. Zayn was straight and I knew that.

However,  I decided a little questioning wouldn't hurt. "Zayn, what would you do if you liked someone and they didn't like you back?" I made sure I didn't look at the younger boy, who eyes had now connected with my face.

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