Chapter Thirty Two - Not Home

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Niall's POV

I just couldn't process properly at the moment, I knew Louis was trying his best to be supportive, but he was driving me round the bend. 

I missed Daisy. I missed Daisy so much, I was used to getting the daily happy text from her, telling me about how Daniel had done something new, or how her day had been now she had begun college. I wasn't ever in love with Daisy, not in that sense, but I loved her deeply, she was a special friend and without her I would have to bring up Daniel, always worrying if I would mess up his life. 

A gay dad? Surely that's like social suicide when you're a kid, everyone would tell me different, but Daniel would need his mum, every child needs their mum right? 

And Daisy, I would miss having her around just as much as he would, Louis and I were both useless, and she was the one that knew every thing. 

When we arrived home that night, Paul pulled up in front of our house first, I un-did my seat belt, opening the door to get out, but Louis stayed where he was. "Are you not getting out, we're here?" I questioned, still slightly angry at him but wanting him to come in so we could talk properly. 

"I'm going to stay at Harry's." He said in a short voice. 

I didn't understand how Harry had agreed to this, since I had been sat in the car with them the whole time, but it soon dawned on me he had probably texted him. "Okay." I said, before slamming the car door and storming down our drive. I let myself in, slamming the front door even harder than I had the car one. I then turned around so I was leaning against it, and let the much needed sob escape my body before slipping down the door and crying out my heart. 

Louis' POV

I didn't want to do that too him, but I thought space was probably the best thing right now, I would go back tomorrow once we had both calmed down, and we could talk it through properly then, for now I could spend the night with Harry. 

Paul dropped Harry and I off last, before I had chance to open the door Paul turned around so he could face me "You're not gonna leave him are you Lou?" He asked. 

"Of course not." I answered. 

"God, cause you need him, you know that right?" 

"And he needs me." I replied simply, without my usual smile. 

Paul nodded solemnly and let Harry and I jump out the car. We entered Harry's building and I followed him to the lift, when we got in there Harry just smiled weakly at me. He didn't have to say anything, it was never awkward between us two. 

Ever since Niall and  I moved out the shared flat it had been sold, Liam had moved in with Danielle and Harry and Zayn had their own flats, not far from each other though. 

We got out of the lift and walked across the hallway to Harry's room, he opened the door and stepped aside, I walked straight to the sofa in the open plan living room, sitting down and sighing. 

Harry joined me with two beer cans in his hand, he passed me one and sat down on the opposite end. "So, why did you ask to come here? Not that I mind, but still, was it really needed?" He asked. I knew Harry really didn't mind me being here, he had been my best friend since I met him, and he had always been supportive when I had any problems, including relationship ones. 

"I just thought it would be best if we both had some space for a night." I answered, taking a sip of my beer and pressing the red button on the remote that sat next to me, turning on Harry's huge flat screen T.V. 

"I get you. Well considering I definitely don't bat for your team, and we've shared a bed a million times, feel free to join me in my room, it's either that or the sofa." Harry said, smiling slightly. I laughed and nodded, agreeing I would in fact join him in his room. "But tomorrow I am going to leave you on the doorstep if you're not up to go and sort this out with Niall by dinner time." 

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