Chapter Thirty - Get Out Of Bed?

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Louis' POV

"How's he holding up?" Danielle asked as she entered the house after Liam.

Of course I knew this was to come, we hadn't had any visitors since Sunday night, it was now Tuesday. I had spent the past day trying to make conversation with Niall, with no luck. 

"Not good" I replied before leading the two of them into the living room, they sat down and I offered them a brew, when they accepted I went through to the kitchen and took it as an excuse to have a few minutes to think through things. 

I returned to the living room with a cup of tea for all of us, setting down Liam's and Danielle's on the table in front of them before sitting on the chair opposite them. 

"What was his reaction?" Liam questioned. 

"He wouldn't stop crying, and once I finally got it out of him he just sat there, hasn't really talked to me much since." I said, ever since the call with Jordan Niall had been, well, not Niall. 

"Have you spoken the Daisy's family?" 

"Yeah, I was on the phone for an hour yesterday with her mum, I don't understand how her mother is managing to ring people and Niall isn't even talking." I mused. 

"He's in shock I bet, he'll come round." Danielle said. 

"Yeah, well he needs to sort himself out soon, Daniel's moving in." I told them. 

"What?" Liam sounded shocked. 

"Melissa can't bring him up, that's not fair, Niall's his father, we have to have him." 

Daniel was coming to live with Niall and I full time next week, it had been sorted. After Daisy's funeral Daniel would come home with the two of us, along with the small amount of things that belonged to him, although it was mostly just a few teddy's and some pictures from the first few weeks of his life. 

"I bet that's half the reason Niall's so cut up." Liam said. 

"He doesn't even know yet." I stated, wondering yet again what Niall's reaction would be to the fact his son was coming to live with us. 

"He must of realised though, I mean when someone's Mother dies they generally live with the Father, I bet Niall's shitting it." Danielle joined in, agreeing with Liam. 

"hmm, I just wish he would let me talk to him, I know she had his child but he only knew Daisy for 10 months." I said out loud after thinking it so many times. 

"She was a good friend of his, they really got on, if it wasn't for her you two probably wouldn't be together Louis." Liam commented. It was true, without Daisy's input Niall might never have gotten the push to come and forgive me after I fucked him over. 

"I know."

"Well, we know it's not the best time, but we wanted to let you know as soon as possible and in person, that's why we came round. The date's been set." Danielle said, clearly trying not to sound too excited with the morbid mood of the house at the moment. 

"For the wedding?" I asked dumbly. 

"Yeah, its in three months, January 2nd, Danielle and I will be married." Liam said, a smiling growing on his face. 

"I'm happy for you guys!" I squealed, happy-ish for the first time in a bit. Liam and Danielle both beamed back at me before I jumped up to hug them both hard. 

I had completely forgotten about Liam and Danielle's engagement, everything that had been going on had stopped me from thinking about it, they had probably already sorted pretty much everything but the date and I suddenly felt awful I hadn't asked them about it once. 

We were soon launched into a conversation about the wedding. I found out Liam had asked Niall to his best man recently and was shocked Niall hadn't told me, but of course he had had alot on his mind and Liam said he probably forgotten because it was the same day he went down to Manchester by himself to see Daniel a little while ago. Danielle was having three bridesmaids, one of which was a good friend of mine, Eleanor, who had become very pally with Danielle after I introduced them at a party not long after the X-factor. Eleanor had been a childhood friend of mine, I was glad to know I would see her again after quite a while at the wedding. Danielle was also having one of her best friends from her school days and her young niece. I found out it was going to be held at some fancy hotel in London, and how they wanted me to be an usher. 

"Of course!" I said, smiling as I hugged Liam for the fiftiest time, happy one of my best friends was on the road to an amazing life. 

That night after Liam and Danielle left I settled down in the living room. I made tea for Niall and I but he motioned for me too leave it on the bedside table when I entered to give it too him, so I sat at the kitchen table alone eating my pasta slowly in the dimly lit room. I watched Coronation Street and Eastenders, then rang Paul to check if we had anything on the next day, assuming we might be in the studio or something. He informed me we had a few interviews and Niall and I were being picked up last at nine, also that I should of remembered. I headed upstairs to tell Niall.

For the first time since sunday night he was actually sat up, having finished of his pasta completely. He was staring intently at his phone, his knees touching his chest with the duvet wrapped tightly around him. Due to the enormous size of our bed he looked so small and fragile, seen as you could fit seven other people around his and still sleep comfortably. 

"Niall you need to get up to at least brush your teeth or shower, plus we have to be up tomorrow, theres some interviews." I said to him, standing in the doorway unsure whether to go and sleep somewhere else since the bed would probably stink after him spending another day in it. 

"Okay." Niall mumbled without looking up from his phone, he lay down turning away from me, for a short moment I glimpsed at his face, it was red and blotchy from crying. 

"Niall please talk to me." I pleaded, sitting down on the edge of the bed with my back to him. 

"Sorry Lou." He mumbled, actually talking to me.

"Liam and Danielle set the date." I informed Niall. 

"Oh, that's nice." 

"And I sorted it our with Melissa, Daniel is coming  home to live with us after the funeral next week."

"I know." Niall ushed. 


"I heard you talking to her." 

"Oh right." I said, unsure of how to carry on this short conversation. "Were you ever going to tell me that Liam asked you to be best man?"

"I forgot," Niall replied, sinking deeper into the duvet.

"I'm sleeping in the spare room tonight." 

"Mmm." Niall said, rolling over more to signal this was the end of this speaking session. I sighed and got up, entering the big bathroom to avoid using Niall and I's en suite, I brushed my teeth and had a quick shower. I shaved my stubble, having not done it in a good few days I really needed too. 

I finally settled down in the spare room, used to sharing the ten foot bed with Niall this regular size double felt exceptionally small and so empty without his perfect figure next to me, despite that I fell into a dreamless sleep. 

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