Chapter Nineteen - I Need You

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Louis' POV

My mum came to pick me up the next day, I was in a wheel chair and had even more tablets to take daily but I was now allowed to go home. She was pushing me through the lobby when I finally plucked up the courage to ask what I had been wanting to ask everyone for the past 48 hours. "Can you take me to Niall's room?" 

"Sure boo." She turned the chair around and started to head back up again, pushing through two big doors to the floor Niall was staying on. 

I smiled as we passed Niall's mother, my mum smiling also. I couldn't imagine what she was going through, it had taken me this long to even ask to see Niall.I was so scared to see him in such a state, he would look like he was dead, unmoving.

When we entered Niall's room I avoided looking at the bed, waiting for my mum to kiss me on the cheek and leave before glancing over. 

Zayn was standing next to the bed, he looked like he should be in a hospital ward too. He had only come to my room once in the past two days, and when he did it had been with Liam and Danielle, he had let them do all the talking, avoiding looking at me.

I sent him a weak smile as he turned to see me in the doorway, I wheeled over to stop next to where he was sat, still scared to look at Niall.

Zayn got up "I should go."

I grabbed his hand, still feeling at slight tingle when I touched him. "Don't, stay, I'm not sure if I can face this alone."

Zayn sighed and sat back down in the chair, looking over at the bed once again. I follwed his gaze and gasped at what I saw. It was worse than I could have imagined. He was pale, and his already skinny frame looked delicate and undernourished. His face was covered in small scratches, and one large cut spread from underneath his left eye to the bottom of his chin. One of his arms was in a cast, the other one was covered in cuts and bruises, there wasn't a spot that looked healthy. Despite I not being able to walk, Niall had definitely come out of this car crash worse than me.

"It's awful isn't it?" Zayn said, staring across at me, a sad expression in his eyes. 

I nodded, knowing if I spoke I would break down.

"Look Louis, I know it's probably not the best time to say this, but you and Niall are perfect for each other, and I do have feelings for you, but I know I'll never mean as much to you as Niall does, and you'll never mean as much to me as you do to Niall. So we're cool, yeah?" 

I turned away from Niall and studied Zayn, he looked sad. I offered my arms out and after hesitating for a moment, he hugged me softly. "I'm sorry for playing you Zayn." 

"It's okay, honest, you need to be with the person you belong with." Zayn mumbled as he pulled away, getting up from his chair. "I'll leave you alone now." 

He left before I had a chance to reply. I wheeled as close to the bed as possible, placing my hand over Niall's. "Babe, please come back, I need you." I whispered, my head falling on top my hand as the tears I had been holding back started to drip all over the bedsheets.

Niall's POV

I could hear whispering in the distance. I was more comfortable now, I felt as though I was on a bed. There was some sort of pressure on my hand, and a slow wet droplet travelled down it.

The whispering turned into quiet sobbing, a cry which I would of recognised anywhere. I tried to find my voice but nothing came out. "Lou" I tried to mumble, failing as it came as a silent noise in my head only. I wanted to show Louis everything was going to be okay, that whatever he was crying about would work out, but I just couldn't. 

I tried to bring myself out of this sleep, but instead I stayed where I was, planted there unable to move.

I listened in again, the crying had stopped now, and a soft humming filled the room, I didn't recognise the song, but I could tell it was Louis humming the tune.

I begged whoever could hear me to let me come back, I needed Louis to know everything was going to be okay.



I love you all, there's a few users I would like to dedicate this whole story too but it's become to many of you, thank you to those who comment all the time and vote and have this in their reading lists, you know who you are, THANK YOU:)

the song at the side is what Louis was humming>>>>>>>>

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