Chapter Thirty Three - The Same Effect

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Niall's POV

"Are you going to apologise for snapping at me in the car?" Louis asked me, his voice was steady but I could tell he didn't really know what to say.

"If you apoligise for going to Harry's, we needed to talk this through." I answered steadily, we both had something to be sorry for. 

"Okay, sorry, but well, we both needed time to calm down." 

"True." I agreed, sighing deeply. 

"Well, tell me what exactly you're so angry about, I mean I know Daisy's death is hard on you, but it gives you no right to act the way you did yesterday." Louis spoke softly, I knew he was trying hard to stay quiet and neutral. I sighed yet again, he was right, I had no reason to be acting how I had been recently. 

"I just miss her, I'm sorry." I mumbled simply, my bottom lip trembling. I held the tears in, I had done enough crying over the past few days. 

"It's not that I expect you to be over her death, because I understand that's not going to happen for a while, I just want the normal you back." His words made my insides hurt, I was really bothering him. 

"I'm so worried Lou." I uttered out, the tears that had been constantly waiting for the moment to fall rolling down my cheeks "I'm going to be a shit dad and I won't have her around to tell me everything I'm doing wrong!" 

"Niall you'll have me babe." He said, moving so he was sat right next to me and wrapping his familiar arms around me. He kissed my cheek and forehead a million times. "And I'm not going anywhere any time soon, okay?" 

I nodded, leaning in to his chest, he started to rub circles on my back as I sobbed all over his shirt. 

"You have Harry, Liam and Zayn. And Danielle is always around, we're a 50 minute plane journey from your mum, a few hours from Melissa and a few hours from my Mum. Niall, you're surrounded by people willing to help you." Louis comforted me. 

I looked up and took my arms from where they were placed around Louis to wipe my eyes. He moved them out the way swiftly and did it himself, his hands on my face causing me to shiver unintentionally. "You still have the same effect on me you know." I told him, staring deeply into his eyes. 

"I know, you still give me butterflies." Louis replied, a smile creeping onto his lips as tears began to fall down his cheek. 

"I love you so much I really do." I said softly, leaning my forehead onto Louis' and wrapping my arms around his waist. 

"Don't ever worry me again." He broke out.

I needn't of replied, a swift nod and a peck on his lips showed him more than words ever could. He didn't let me go, but took advantage when I pecked his lips again, deepening the kiss and pulling my body closer to his. It wasn't a hungry kiss, instead we stayed like that for over five minutes, our lips moving in sync. 

"Do you think it's too soon to say I want to spend the rest of my life with you?" I asked when we finally pulled apart, now lay down, Louis underneath me with my legs and arms in a tangle around him. 

"No. I definitely don't." Louis retorted, sounding rather confused. 

"Well Louis," He didn't flinch like he usually did when I used his full name, he understood why I did it. "I want to spend the rest of eternity with you." 

"I feel the exact same way Niall." Louis said, turning around slightly so he could kiss my lips once again. 


Louis' POV

It was all better, for now. Niall and I spent the rest of the day cuddling and watching movies under a blanket, every now and again Niall would turn around simply to press a kiss on my cheek. I think it was safe to say I had forgiven him, and he had forgiven me. Although a little later on I told him if he spoke to me the way he had in the car again I wouldn't be so easy to get back. But it wasn't the truth, Niall had a hold over me that was impossible to get rid of, I would never stop loving him no matter how hard I tried. 

At about seven o clock we switched of the movies and turned the T.V to normal Thursday night rubbish. For the first time in what seemed like forever, Niall offered to cook tea, and it turned out he had kept his talent, the curry he made was beautiful. 

I went upstairs to go to the loo just after I finished eating. My phone started to buzz in my pocket.  I got it out and pondered whether to answer it when I saw it was Harry.

"Hello?" Asked Harry on the other end when I put the phone to my ear. 

"Hey Haz."

"How'd it go Boo?" Harry questioned, a slight tinge of worry lacing his voice. 

"We're sorted." I replied happily, sitting down on the toilet. 

"Oh good! Ima tell the rest of the boys since neither of you have bothered to update any of us till now." Harry laughed. 

"Sorry man, but I've been busy with my boy." I said, a smile recognisable in my voice. 

"Ew not in that way right?" Harry uttered. 

"No! Just cuddling you knob." I said, pretending to be disgusted at Harry's suggestion. 

"Well any way, my lady awaits, glad you're back on track! See you tomorrow!" The end of the line went dead, signalling Harry was gone. I got up and finally had the pee I had been waiting for, washed my hands and made my way back downstairs. 

When I walked in the living room the 3D glasses had returned to Niall's face and he was watching Come Dine With Me in 3D, I laughed like I had when I got home earlier. "I got bored of coronation street, and seriously we should use these more often." He said, smirking. 

I laughed before grabbing the other pair of glasses and joining him on the sofa. 

"Lou?" Niall turned to face me, the glasses making him look like some weird futuristic scientist, but I guessed I didn't look any better. 

"Yeah?" I said.

"You know earlier when I said I want to be with you forever?" He asked. 

"Ummhmm?" I began to wonder what was coming, was it possible Niall was about to propose to me? We had been together for about a year now, and it didn't look like it was going to end any time soon. Plus we now had a kid relying on us, and I wasn't the type to leave Niall on his own to bring up a tiny baby. 

"Wanna make it official?" He asked, nervousness clear in his voice. I didn't quite understand what he was asking but I definitely had the inkling that he was about to ask me to marry him. 

"What do you mean?" I said slowly. 

"Will you - will you, erm.." He stuttered. 

"Marry you?" I mumbled, suddenly extremely worried that wasn't what he wanted to ask. 

He nodded slowly. The glint in his eye ten times brighter than usual. 

"I'd be honoured to call you my fiance Niall Horan." I replied, a huge grin sneaking its way onto my face. 

"YAY! I LOVE YOU!" Niall shouted, jumping on me and grabbing my face so he could kiss me, only for the 3D glasses to smash into each other and block his way. I laughed hard when he sighed in frustration and pushed them off my face. "God we always find a way to ruin a romantic moment." He mumbled, before taking his off and kissing me so hard I thought I wouldn't be alive when it was over. 

It was definitely safe to say, everything was perfect. 

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