Chapter Three - The Shocking Truth

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Chapter Three - The Shocking Truth

Louis' POV

I rubbed my eyes as I came to my senses, looking towards the bright light that was shining from the window of Niall and Liam's bedroom.

Wait, Niall's bedroom?

I slowly moved my gaze down to my chest, a blonde mess was lay there, breathing steadily. He looked so peaceful, back to normal old Niall. I realised I must of fallen asleep last night whilst comforting him.

I slowly moved Niall's body from on top of mine, placing him down on the bed as softly as I could. I moved away from him, making my way across the room on my tip toes so I wouldn't creak the floorboards. I opened the door to his bedroom, not bothering to close it in case I woke him up.

When I finally made it to my own room, I looked to Harry's bed to see my three other best friends, all cuddled up, sleeping.

I figured they must of come up to this room last night, waiting for me to arrive so I could tell them what was up with Niall, but when I hadn't come in they had fallen asleep. I crept over to the bed, and bent down to peck Zayn's cheek, his eyes scrunched shut before fluttering open. He moved to sit up, almost causing Harry to fall off the bed.

"Hey Baby" I said, smiling at my boyfriend. Zayn sent a wide smile back before kissing me softly on the lips. He tasted off morning breath and looked half dead, but I still wanted to rip the clothes he wore off him and carry him to my bed.

"Shall we wake the others?" I asked, knowing now was not the time to be thinking sexually about my boyfriend.

"Sure." Zayn said groggily before jumping up, suddenly energized. We both stood up on the bed, and started to jump around, laughing.

After a good two minutes, Harry and Liam finally surfaced. Liam shot Zayn and I death stares before speaking up "So what was up with Niall then?"

I sat down on the bed, and Zayn plonked himself on top of me, I thought about last night, not really sure if Niall had told me why he was upset or not. He had said he couldn't tell me, but the way he cried on me, the way his words came out when he said I love you. I wasn't really sure if loving me was the reason he was so down.

"He didn't want to tell me, he just cried and then we fell asleep." I said, feeling Zayn tense on my lap as I said the last bit of my sentence.

"I really want to know whats bothering him, it's not like Niall at all" Liam muttered, a hint of sadness in his tone.

"Nothing happened did it?" Zayn asked softly, turning so his eyes met mine.

I didn't think about my reaction, I instantly connected my hands with his lower back, pushing him off me. "What do you even think of me? Of course nothing happened!" I shouted, sneering at Zayn.

Zayn's eyes shot down as he stared at the ground guiltily. I started to regret my little outburst, muttering a sorry before trying to pull him in for a hug.

He didn't push me off, nor did he hug me back.

"Guys, lets not all get moody, we need to focus on Niall, otherwise we'll all start fighting and forget that there's something obviously really bad bothering one of our best friends." Harry said, breaking the awkward atmosphere that had filled the air.

The three of us nodded at Harry, agreeing we needed to focus on what was up with Niall.

But I couldn't help thinking about what exactly he had meant last night...

Niall's POV

When I woke up, I looked down to see I was in the same clothes as the previous day, and was lay on top of the duvet in a strange, fetal position. I pulled myself off the bed, and dragged my feet towards the mirror. I looked awful. Despite the sleep, I still had a tear stained face from the night before. My clothes were dirty and creased. My hair was messy to say the least, sticking out in all different places. I looked like something out of a Tim Burton movie, maybe minus the bright blonde mop on the top of my head.

I quickly took a shower, wondering where all the other boys were. I put on the first pair of clean trousers I could find, before pulling my pyjama top I had had for a good two years now over my head, shivering as the bobbles rubbed against my bare back.

I decided to head downstairs and walked through the silent living room, still surprised I hadn't spotted another member of the band. I stopped at the kitchen door frame.

The four lads were sat around the table, discussing something obviously very distressing, most likely my little bad mood last night.

"Hello!" I greeted, gaining their attention. I tried to look like the happy human being I usually was.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I spotted Zayn and Louis holding hands, my chest suddenly becoming very heavy. They all looked up at me, stopping their little mothers meeting.

"Nice to know you're all talking about me."

"Niall we weren't -" Harry started to speak but Liam interrupted him.

"Harry there's no point lying, it's pretty obvious we were, do you want to tell us what happened last night Ni?" Liam turned from Harry to meet my gaze.

I pulled a shaky hand through my hair, not sure how to answer Liam's question. No, of course I didn't want to tell them what happened last night, they'd think I was some stupid idiot who fell in love with someone who clearly never liked me back, and then he'd hate me. I could take the bad opinions from the lads, but Louis? Not so much.

I wouldn't be able to live with them anymore if he thought badly of me. If he didn't love me, even only as a friend, I wouldn't be able to stand my days as a part if the band, not for too long anyway.

"It was a bad day, and I had a row with my mum over text when we were at Nandos, I'm really sorry if I worried you too much." I lied through my teeth, hoping none of them would see through me. For my luck, I got no funny glances, only a little eyebrow raise from Liam. Louis was the only one with a different expressionon his face. He was studying me very carefully. His nose was scrunched up so his glasses - the ones that bever made it into the public - fell down his nose a little. He looked utterly adorable.

No Niall, don't do this to yourself, he's taken.

The boys all got up from their seats, Liam shook his head at me before embracing me "I'm glad you're onay Ni.' He whispered in my ear, hugging me hard, then leaving the kitchen.

Harry sent an awkward smile to me, before swiftly following Liam out towards the living room. Zayn stood by the counter as though he was waiting until Louis had put the dishes away so they could leave together.

"Want a brew?" Louis said to Zayn, without even waiting for a response he spoke again. "Wait in there and I'll bring it through.

Zayn's eyes flashed with a look of sadness, he slowly leaned off the wall, closing the kitchen door with a loud slam. I got the vibe he and Louis weren't on the best of terms.

I turned to where Lou was standing. He was putting the dirty dishes from breakfast in the sink. I quickly shot my glance elsewhere as he turned around.

"You lied." He said. I once again met his round blue eyes. He was wearing a perplexed w"expression.

"No I didn't" I replied, shaking my head, trying not to look at him too much.

"Yes you did, Ni, I can tell when you're lying you bite your lip like mad."

"I did that?" I asked, looking up to see he had taken two steps closer towards me.

"Yeah, so what's really bothering you?" He asked, clicking the switch of the kettle to start it boiling with even looking.

"Lou, it doesn't matter, I've calmed down now, I won't do it again." I said, rolling my eyes before realising I was trying to win back the approval of my best friend.

"Whatever. If you don't want too fucking tell me." Louis said, in a more than annoyed tone.

I couldn't help but feel the anger boil up inside of me as he showed what he was really feeling.

He saw the look on my face, and turned around in a fast motion, storming towards the door. I found myself running up to him, I grabbed his hand, pulling him round so he was facing me.

"I fucking love you, okay?!" I shouted, not loud enough for all the boys to hear but loud enough in the quiet kitchen for Louis to flinch as I spoke. After the words left my mouth, I couldn't hold back the tears. I had been trying so hard to keep a straight angry face when I broke down, stumbling into Louis. I didn't look up when I felt the familiar, long arms wrap around my body, his hands rubbing my back in slow, soft motions.

"Oh Ni." Louis said, pulling my chin up so I was staring at him dead on. I didn't think about what I did then, I only acted on my instincts. I leaned in until Louis' lips met mine. I began kissing him, slowly at first as I was scared of rejection, but when I felt his lips part, as though he was allowing me entry, I kissed him with passion and want.

Despite kissing me back, he stepped away after a minute or so, shaking.

"I'm with Zayn." He stopped, on the verge of tears. I just shook my head and stormed out the kitchen, not believing what I had just done.

You kissed him you idiot, you kissed him and he's going out with one of your best mates?!

I rushed up the stairs to my bedroom, ignoring the boys in the front room. When I reached my door I punched it with enough force to break a bone. I heard my hand click, my knuckles being knocked out of place.

My hand seared with pain, but I just slid down the door, holding back the tears that I wanted to cry so badly.

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