Chapter Twenty Eight - Fatherhood

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Louis' POV - One Month Later 

"DANIEL IS BEING DROPPED OFF IN AN HOUR AND YOU'RE STILL NAKED!" Niall shouted, waking me up from my peaceful sleep on top off the covers. 

Daniel was staying at our house for the first time this weekend and Niall had been freaking out more and more over the week. Niall had visited Daisy in Manchester three times, twice with me, but this was Daniels first visit to our house, and Niall was nervous to say the least.

"Niall chill we have time." I stated, getting up from the bed and putting on a pair of boxers. I searched around in the wardrobe for ten seconds until I pulled out my favourite red chinos and blue and white striped top I hadn't worn for months. 

"I don't want Daisy to think we're not capable of looking after him!" Niall moaned as I turned around from the wardrobe. 

"Niall she won't, she'll be glad to have a weekend free of the baby, remember how much she wanted to go out and act like a 17 year old?" I asked, remembering the last time we were in Manchester. Daisy had spent the whole two days we were there getting more and more stressed, it was clear looking after Daniel and having to keep it a secret who the father was from her friends was taking a toll on her. 

"Yeah but I worry, she's a really good Mum." 

"And you're an amazing Dad, now lets go downstairs and have a nice breakfast and enjoy our last  hour of peace and quiet." I said, taking Niall's hand in mine and guiding him down the stairs to our beautiful kitchen. I sat him down at the island and turned away to make him breakfast. Ten minutes later I served up bacon butties and a brew and sat across from him.

"Niall you're still really tense." I said, wiping away the tomato ketchup that escaped out my mouth after I tried unsuccessfully to talk with my mouth full. 

"I know, sorry." He said, shaking himself out and biting into his butty. I didn't quite understand how I still managed to find him attractive when he was eating but he looked just as amazing as ever. 

"You know, My dad and I hardly talk, Danny will just be happy to have a father that loves him to pieces." I tried to reassure Niall. 

"I guess you're right. Was your Dad around as a kid?" Niall asked. It seems strange we had never really touched on the subject before, but I guess it never seemed important. Niall knew my Mum really well. Plus all the guys knew I didn't have much contact with my Dad, so they'd never really been interested in his part of my childhood. 

"I saw him sometimes, spoke a bit. But he wasn't around enough for me to feel close to him." I answered, there wasn't much more to say about it. 

"Was it crap?" 

"I always had Mark, but sometimes I kind of wished I had my proper Dad around like the girls did." I hadn't thought about this for quite a while. 

"That must of been rubbish, I mean when me and Greg moved in with Dad we didn't see Mum as much but we still saw her loads, if you get me, so I never really had that." Niall said, sounding quite sympathetic. 

"Oh well, I've always got my Mum." I said with a smile.

"And me! Don't forget me babe!" Niall winked, running round the island and hugging me tightly from behind. 

"I could never forget you." I said, swivelling round so I was facing him, it was only then that I realised his cheek was covered in tomato ketchup. I lifted up my hand to wipe it away "Niall you're such a messy eater." I muttered, before slowly flicking my finger off his cheek. 

"And you're such a bad seducer! Hey it rhymes!" Niall smiled, obviously noticing my attempt at turning him on. 

I gasped dramatically "I'm bad at seducing?" I asked, pretending to be offended. 

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