Chapter Twenty Five - House Warming Party

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"Shall we celebrate mine and Lou's new house with a drink?!" Niall shouted out to the mass of people that filled our house.

We had spent the past two weeks in furniture shops I couldn't pronounce the name of, or trolling the internet for hours on end, trying to find the perfect bed or sofa and now finally our house was finished. Tonight was our third night in our new home, our first night in our new 10ft bed. 

So obviously Niall invited round everyone we knew.

"Niall, everyone has already had a drink?" Harry said as the room erupted with laughter at the drunken Niall standing on our kitchen top. 

"Babe, get down please." I slurred, holding out an unsteady hand to help my boyfriend down.

Niall mumbled something as he fell down next to me, but I struggled to hear it over to loud buzz and music that was filling the room. 

"I can't hear you!" I shouted. But Niall took that as an answer and turned away, laughing as he went into the make-do dance floor. 

If I had of been sober I would of followed him but instead I stumbled around the room, looking for somewhere to sit. In the end I found Zayn sat on one of our new sofas, watching every body in the room intently. He smiled up at me as I plonked down next to him, spilling my beer on the floor. 

"Louis, you're drunk." Zayn said, laughing as I stared at the spillage, unsure what to do.

"Eh! I'm not! Have you seen Niall, he's drunk? look what josh is dancing like, and then some of the girls that are here being sick in the toilet! THEY'RE the drunk ones! I could say more Zayn I could say more but that would be un-needed as I have proved I'm not drunk." I replied, frowning at Zayn. 

"Louis, that made no sense." 

I paused. "Sorry, I've had a lot to drink." I apologised, grinning widely. 

"You won't be able to do that any more when the baby arrives, you'll both be daddies." Zayn said, laughing again. 

"Again with the baby.." I mumbled as I heard the word for the millionth time this week, not realising I was crying until Zayn put a hand on my back. 

"Louis why are you crying?" Zayn asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"I don't know, I'm so sorry Zayn I am! It's just I'm scared, Niall's pregnant!" I shouted, more and more tears dripping down my face as I thought about Niall having the baby. 

"How many beers have you had?" Zayn asked.

"Zayn what if he dies?" I muttered.

"C'mon Louis, lets get you to bed." 


I woke up in my new bed, Niall lay down next to me. 

I moved slightly, wincing as pain filled my head when I sat up. I tried to remember what happened last night but after the number of beers and cocktails I drank I knew that was very unlikely. 

I slowly made my way out of bed, careful not to wake Niall. The pounding in my head got worse as I pulled myself towards the landing, readying myself for the aftermath of the party. I opened the door, only to realise I was naked. I ran back into the room and pulled on a pair of joggers from our wardrobe. 

I climbed over the mess on the stairs finally making it to the living room. The whole house was silent, so I guessed I was the only waken being despite being unaware of how many people were actually here. 

"Louis mate" Liam's voice came from one of the kitchen stools. 

"Liam? Where is everyone?" I asked, looking up to see him sat down eating coco pops, no one else in sight. 

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