Chapter Ten - Admit It

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Niall's POV

Surprisingly, the first concert went okay. The cough syrup I had been chugging down over the past few days really had helped and the calpol Liam was forcing me to take every fours hours was getting rid of my fever, temporarily.

We had another concert at the same venue the next night, so we decided we would spend the day in Manchester. The five of us plus Sandy and Josh from the band.

"So... this is interesting." Harry said as we all sat down at a table in the cafe of the museum of science and industry.

There wasn't one fan to be seen, the only people here were 12 year old boys and 80 year old couples. It was so peaceful.

"Hazza, Manchester is a big city, and we're quite well liked here to say the least, we would of gotten mobbed." Louis stated, looking over at a miserable Harry.

"But I would of loved to have gone shopping." Harry said, pouting.

"Yeah management would let you wouldn't they." Josh said from where he was sat beside me.

I suddenly felt the need to pee. "I need the toilet." I informed them all, jumping up from the uncomfy plastic chair and turning around. I was met by the sight off fifteen maybe twenty high schoolers, all in their uniform. Unfortunately, most of them were girls.

"Shit, guys look." I said, turning around to the rest of the band and shaking my head with worry.

"Oh crap, keep your heads down guys, they won't notice us they're heading the other way." Zayn pleaded to no one in particular.

I wanted to sit back down but I really needed the toilet. I started to creep my way out of the cafe. Luckily I only had to slightly walk past the group of teenagers to get to the toilets. I pushed the door open and closed it quietly, sighing with relief. I hadn't been spotted. I felt a coughing fit coming on, and started to weeze. I was just catching my breathe when I heard the door swing open.

"Hey," I heard Louis' voice from behind, the sound of the door closing echoed across the room, I turned around and there he was.

The dickhead that broke me heart.

"Don't try to talk to me Lou, I don't like you." I sneered, hoping to sound harsher than I actually did.

Louis' eye's welled up, he walked over to me and placed his arms around my body, pulling me towards him, I didn't hug him back.

I felt wetness on my shoulder as Louis softly started to cry.

"Niall, look, I'm sick of this, can't we just be friends?" He pleaded, taking a step back from me and wiping the tears from underneath his eyes.

"Louis, I can't be friends with you like nothing happened." I said, looking away from him. I couldn't stand seeing him like this, sure, I hated him for how he treated me, but I still loved him with all my heart. He still danced around my mind 24/7. It still killed me every time he kissed Zayn, every time he touched Zayn, every time he looked at Zayn.

"Why the hell not?" Louis snapped firmly.

"Lou, everyday I watched you look at Zayn in the same way I looked at you, everyday I died a little bit inside, knowing you were in love with my best friend while I fell for you. But then, when I flirted, you would flirt back. You gave me false hope Lou, I had this tiny thought in the back of my mind, maybe he does like me back, maybe he's only aimlessly flirting with Zayn? And then, you two told us you were together, it fucking broke me. That night you acted like you cared, the false hope returned and well yet again I thought we had a chance, I thought maybe just maybe you might love me in the same way you loved Zayn. Zayn doesn't love you, I've seen the way he looks at you, it's not love Lou, it's lust, he fancies you. And that time we kissed, you kissed me back, there's no way you can ever deny you were attracted to me at that moment in time, and when we told Zayn, you soon casted it off as a stupid mistake. That's all I am too you? A fucking stupid mistake. I don't believe for one second you didn't feel something when we kissed, and your such an idiot you can't admit to yourself that you want me as much as Zayn." I finished, feeling the weight that had been stopping me from breathing lift off my chest in an instant.

"It sounds pretty bad when you say it like that. I couldn't really tell it was bothering you that much." Louis looked honestly sorry, he held out a hand as though he wanted me to hug him. I shrugged it off.

"Bullshit Louis." He flinched, I never called him Louis. "It's like you actually enjoyed watching me in pain."

"I didn't, Niall I- " He stopped as he stepped straight forward and grabbed my face, kissing me harder than I'd ever been kissed before. He forced his way into my mouth, pushing me up against the stony wall of the toilets. I kissed him back, and soon our tongues were dancing, not in a sweet way, instead like wrestling.

It took all of the force I had in me to push him off me, tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Why would you do that Lou?" I asked, he had lead me on again, kissing me would only make this ten times harder.

"I don't fucking understand anything anymore. I never planned to like you, but I do." He muttered, looking down at his feet as tears started to fall down his face, he looked distraught. "But, it's not only you that I love."

"Well, make your fucking decision soon, else I won't be around for much longer." I angrily pushed past him, leaving the bathroom to find the boys waiting for us at the doorway, four security guards protecting them from the school kids that had finally noticed them.

I ignored questions from the fans and ran outside to go and sit in the van. The rest of the boys shortly followed. We all sat there waiting for Louis, giving me time to collect my thoughts.

So he admitted that he loved me back, again, and he kissed me, again.

He has a fucking boyfriend though, he shouldn't be going around kissing other guys, no matter which way I put it he cheated on Zayn again. Louis didn't deserve Zayn, he didn't deserve me, he was staying with Zayn whilst he loved someone else, he was constantly stringing me on whilst he loved someone else.

None of that stopped the warm fuzzy feeling I got when he smiled, it didn't stop my heart beating rapidly when he accidentaly touched me.

I was totally and utterly in love with him.

Louis' POV


Niall's face lit up when he saw me, I walked into the room and grabbed him around the waist, plucking him up into a fire mans lift. He protested and battered my back with balled up fists.

"LOU PUT ME DOWN!" He screamed, laughing as I slowly dropped him onto Harry, who was sitting on a garden chair, reading a magazine that looked rude to say the least.

"OI!" Harry shouted as the blond boy landed on him.

"Lou, that was mean there was no need to get Harry involved with our on going battle." Niall said, getting off of Harry and brushing himself off, snickering.

"Sozza Hazza." I said, smiling at my best friend. He huffed in return and turned back to his reading material.

Niall met my eyes and smiled like a little kid, before grabbing my legs and picking me up with ease. He started to walk up the stairs of the house, I suddenly realised where he was heading, and started to shout loudly, punching his back as fast as I could and biting the bottom of it.

He entered the bathroom and knelt down, my head was only an inch away from the toilet water.

"OKAY, you win, I surrender." I shouted, scared for my own hair.

Niall chuckled and placed me down gently, so I standing only a few centimeters away from him. He smiled his dazzling smile and inched closer towards me. His breathe hitting my lips.

"HEY GUYS!" The most beautiful boy in the world appeared the doorway, laughing.

Niall turned to Zayn, looking hurt. "Hey." He said before pushing past him, running straight back down the stairs.

I sighed, how had I never noticed it before he told me? Of course Niall had been in love with me, that was so obvious now. An how could I have been so idiotic, I had lead him on, everyday. I never realised he was flirting, and now I realised I had flirted back.

We arrived at the MEN to do a sound check after our trip to the museum, Niall was ignoring me completely now, he didn't even glance my way.

Harry, Zayn and I were sat on the edge of the stage, them two were talking about annoying fans whilst I sat there in silence, regretting what I had done in the bathroom. I had gone and made things so much worse than they already were, now Niall knew I had feelings for him, he would be so upset that I was still with Zayn, knowing I was in love with the both of them.

I looked around and caught sight of Niall talking to Josh, the drummer. A pang of jealousy overwhelmed me as Josh said something that made Niall throw his head back in laughter.

Who am I kidding, I had no right to be jealous, Niall wasn't mine.

Niall started to laugh again, but it turned into coughing quite suddenly, it wasn't long till he was coughing so much he was choking. I noticed Liam run over, to join Josh who was already rubbing Niall's back. I couldn't help myself when I scrambled up and sprinted over.

Dread began to fill me as Niall dropped to the floor, all the colour leaving his face.

"Niall breathe!" Liam shouted, worry plastered all over his face.

Niall stopped coughing for a second, I felt relief wash over me, but it quickly disappeared when he started to splutter.

Blood covered the floor, meeting my toms and staining them. I got down on my knees, not caring that Niall was now coughing up blood all over the place. I patted Niall hard on the back, whilst Liam shoved water into his mouth. Niall took in one sharp breath before his head hit the floor.

He was out, cold.

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