Chapter Twenty Three - Cured

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~~Around 6 Months Later~~

Louis' POV

"Thank you." I said as I left my clinic for what would hopefully be the last time ever. I was cured from TB, my symptoms hadn't fully cleared up, but for now I wasn't under any danger, there were no traces of the  virus in my body.

Just then my phone started ringing.

"Hey Niall."

"Hey babe, how'd it go?" Niall asked, he had been to the clinic just three days before back home in Mullingar, he was also cured. We weren't really worried about Niall though, with his symptoms clearing up in the first few weeks.

"They can't find any trace, I'm cured, for now." I replied.

"Oh yay! Not that I didn't think you would be but wow that's such a relief!" 


"So you can come back to London then?" Niall questioned, we had gone back to work afew months ago, and he was currently at our home in London with Harry, Zayn and Liam. 

"Yeah, mum's offered to drive me today." 

"Oh goody! I know it's only like a week but I've missed you so much!" 

"I've missed you too baby."

"Well I'm - Wait I'm getting another call, it's Daisy, I guess I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, love you."

"Love you too!" the line went dead. I sighed as I placed my phone in my pocket and carried on my short walk home, it was mid august, so I was lucky there were no fans around considering they were off school. I guessed that was simply because it was quite early in the day.

Niall had spent most of his free time in the past few months with Daisy, so it was no surprise she was ringing him. I wasn't jealous or anything, just feeling a little pushed out. Daisy was an incredible girl, I'd never met anyone like her. Every time Niall cancelled on her or couldn't make it too her scans she would forgive him, I never once saw an angry text or heard her being pissed off. She tried to include me often, but I just wasn't feeling it, I mean I loved Niall and everything, but I had no attachment to the baby, it wasn't mine? But watching Niall so excited and eager, I couldn't help but smile. I wasn't going to ruin that for him. 

When I arrived at home I headed straight upstairs, packing up the remains that were still scattered around my room. 

"Mum!" I shouted when I finally finished lugging my large bag down the stairs. 

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" My mum appeared in the hallway, odd shoes on her feet and keys in her hand.

"Mum your shoes." I said, eyeing up the one converse and one similarly coloured pump.

"Oops, two secs." She disappeared of again, leaving me only for a moment before returning with matching converse on. "They were the same colour OK?" She laughed as she pushed me through the doorway, heading to the car.

"Your a bit silly sometimes." I said, winking at her as I hopped in the passenger seat. 

"Well you're always silly!" She replied, laughing. 

We drove along in silence for a while, just enjoying each others company, it wasn't often I got to spend time with my mum. 

"So have you and Niall thought any more about buying somewhere together?" My mum asked. 

"Well, no, but he said he wants us to have a proper place before the baby comes, so when he is looking after it it's in a house and not the flat with the lads." I replied, remembering the short conversation Niall and I had had about finding a house together.

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