Chapter Four - Oops

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Chapter Four - Oops

Louis POV

I went back into the now empty kitchen, mentally attacking myself for what had just happened.

"So Niall loves you, eh?" A voice came from the doorway.

I swirled round, jumping.

"Harry?" I said, as I recognized the curly boy who was standing there awkwardly. "How much did you hear?"

"Enough." He said simply. "Oh and I'm guessing you kissed..."

"Ummhmm." I replied, angry at Harry for eavesdropping on mine and Niall's conversation, who was he to listen in like it was something normal?

That was it though, no one else knew that Niall was upset because of me, they didn't suspect anything. They thought it was something to do with his Mum. Harry must have come back to the kitchen for something, and stopped when he heard Niall and I talking.

"Are you gonna tell Zayn?" Harry questioned, looking at me sympathetically.

"No." I snapped, my heart beat raising. "It didn't mean anything, it was a big mistake and no one will know, am I clear Harry?" I rushed through my words, stepping closer and closer towards Harry until our foreheads were almost touching.

"You know I wouldn't get involved Boo," Harry trailed off, and just simply pulled me in for a hug. "But you need to sort this out, you can't have them both" he spoke softly into my shoulder.

"I know Haz, I love Zayn, Niall's just - Niall's just a..." I couldn't find the right word, what was Niall to me? I loved him as a friend, I knew that. Had I ever thought of Niall in the other way? No, definitely not, he was my friend, that would be strange.

Zayn was only a friend, and look at you two now. My conscience flew around my head, making me feel dizzy with confusion.

I knew Zayn had only been a friend, but I was in love with him, and I wasn't in love with Niall.

"Niall's just confusing me." I finished after a good minute long pause.

"Well, make your mind up Lou, you're going to wget someone hurt." Harry released me from his embrace, and disappeared out the room.

I shook myself off and left the kitchen. I made my way into the lounge, sitting down next to Liam and Zayn on the couch. I made sure I had enough room to put up my legs, the result of which being cushions everywhere. Liam tutted, shuffling over due to the amount of room I had taken up.

"Where's my tea?" Zayn said, turning towards me, raising an eyebrow.

"Shit. Sorry, forgot." I mumbled.

"Whatever. What did Ni say?"

"He just apologised for what happened last night again, and said sorry for falling asleep on me, so I couldn't get up or go anywhere." I lied, smiling at my boyfriend.

Zayn grunted his regular sound of approval, before turning around so he was facing the T.V again.

I watched him closely, the usual feeling of warmth when I was around him was completely gone. I felt the same as I would around any person. My heart rate wasn't going crazy when he touched me. I wasn't mesmerized by his cheeky grin. His lips looked like his lips, not the dazzling items that could melt my heart with one small bit of contact. His eyes didn't stand out to me as usual, they didn't have their ultimate shine.

Was I falling out of love with my boyfriend?

If I was, it was Niall's fault.

Liam snapped me out of my trance when he jumped up from the sofa "Come on guys, get ready, we got an interview in case you've forgotten."

Shit, I had forgotten. I struggled to get up from the suddenly so comfy sofa, and forced myself to make my way upstairs. Surprisingly, Liam and Zayn weren't quick to follow after me.

I walked across the hallway, wondering if I should say anything to Niall.

I stopped at his doorway.

Fuck it, we're about as screwed as it's going to get.

I pushed open the door without knocking, Niall was lay on his bed, holding his right hand with a look of pain covering his whole face. He had his legs crossed, whilst being slouched over as though he was in agony.

I ignored what I had noticed and jumped straight into what I wanted to say. "Niall, Harry knows, just giving you the heads up"

"Shit." Niall said, not looking up. Clearly avoiding eye contact with me as much as he possibly could.

"Plus it's the interview in case you've forgotten."

"Shit." he muttered, yet again, his facial expression changing to one of annoyance.

"What happened to your hand?" I asked, moving further into the room.

"Nothing, it's nothing." Niall said.

He got up from the bed, moving his way over to the wardrobe on his side of the room, ignoring me in the process. I took this as a subtle hint he wanted me too leave.

At The Interview.

"So boy's, what questions do you get asked the most? I mean, you're always getting interviewed, so what is it everyone always wants to know?" The pretty interviewer asked.

Niall started to say something, but Harry, ever the gentlemen, butted in after he mustered out a half of his first word. "Definitely our love lives." Harry smiled innocently.

Sally - or whatever she was called -smiled, turning so she was looking over us all. "I guess that's my cue to ask you, how are all your love lives? What about you, Liam?"

"I've got a girlfriend" He said, grinning at Sally.

"Louis?" she turned to me, I met her gaze, she smiled and nodded, hinting for me to answer quickly.

"I'm taken too" I said, without even realising it. The small crowd cheered and wolf whisteled. I felt Zayn tense up. Oh shit, they're gonna ask who it is.

"Oooooo! Might I ask what her name is?"

"I can't say at the moment, it's early days." I said unsteadily. I was now dreading managements reaction. Everything changed when one of us got a girlfriend, or boyfriend for that matter.

"What about you Harry?" Sally flirted, grinning at Harry like he had been

"I'm single." He said sweetly.

"Niall, Zayn, what about you two, anyone spicing up your love life at the moment?" She moved along a little as they sat on the furthest end of the long sofa we were being interviewed on. She laughed at her own words, still smiling like some crazy woman.

"No." Zayn said, trying not to make any eye contact.

"Neither, not at the moment." Niall mimicked Zayn's expressionless tone. Just as he finished his sentence he looked up to meet my eyes. I sent him a shaky smile before quickly breaking the eye contact and the awkward atmosphere that was gravitating towards us.

"Okay. That's it for today! It's been lovely having you boys!" Sally said, smiling at each of us in turn, stopping on a certain curly haired boy with a name that rhymed with Barry. We all muttered our thanks and made our way off the stage. The minute we got off, Harry, Li and Niall rushed over to some technicians for some strange reason. I pulled Zayn to one side and gave him a worried look. He took the hint qnd pulled us out of view from everyone else.

"Do you think management will kill me?" I asked frantically.

"No, to be honest I think they'll just be happy you didn't come out right there and then." Zayn said, pulling me in, just as our faces were inches apart, we heard a loud shout.

"LOUIS, ZAYN, YOU HAVEN'T TURNED YOUR FUCKING MIC'S OFF YOU IDIOTS!" Liam's voice travelled towards us. I looked at Zayn worriedly. He simply grabbed my arm an pulled me to where the boys were stood.

One of the technicians took ahold my waist and found his way to the radio mic that was attached to my trousers.

"Yep, it's still turned on, they'll have heard your conversation."

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