EXTRA - The Press is a Problem

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Louis' POV

I don't know how, I don't know why. 

But we forgot. 

We completely forgot about the paparazzi, they found out. 

When we arrived back at the house, the usual amount of press was hanging around, and we just didn't think. When we pulled into the driveway, we should of smuggled Danny in, so they wouldn't see him through the gates, but the thought just never crossed our minds. 

Niall climbed out the car, going to open the back door. He unclasped Danny and picked him up so he was above his head, he then hitched him onto his hip, cooing him the whole time. I went to retrieve the bag that was filled with all his things. 

It must of been about an hour before the first pictures appeared on line. 

Two days later, we were sat in managements office.

"How could you be so stupid?" Paull asked, his voice was calm, but he sounded pissed. 

The thing was, people had figured out we couldn't of adopted Danny, first we weren't married, and secondly we had hardly been together long enough to have gone through the adoption process. 

And then, even though we thought we'd done a pretty good job of not being spotted at Daisy's funeral. Some of the kids that had seen us had confirmed to the press that Daisy was the mother of the child in the pictures. Meaning everyone understood. 

One of us was the dad, Daisy was the mum. 

Management were thinking of lying, saying Daisy had carried Daniel for us, but that idea wasn't really plausible. Firstly, Daisy wasn't related or even a close friend to either of us previously, and it would of been rather strange for us to ask a 'randomer' to be the mother of our baby for nine months. Then, Niall was only eighteen and I was only Twenty, it just didn't make sense that we would choose to have a child before we were even both out of our teens. Lastly we weren't really anything more than boyfriends, well fiance's, but the no one but Niall and I knew that. 

"I'm sorry, we just forgot about everything." I muttered, looking over at Niall. 

"Right, we'll do a press conference, you can explain the situation, Niall, you were in a relationship with Daisy okay? That's what you'll say, then when you split you found she was pregnant, and you two agreed you would take the baby in when it was born, something like that?" 

"No." Niall mumbled. 

"Huh?" Paul asked, his eyebrows creasing together. 

"We'll just say the truth! Exactly the truth, and then everyone needs to know the other thing too Lou." He turned to me, pleading me with his eyes. 

"Paul, we're engaged." I said steadily, unsure if I was able to speak. 

"Oh damn it." Paul said, sighing and placing his head in his hands. "Just, I'll speak with the rest of management, you're right, tell the truth."

Niall jumped up, squealing. "I love you!" He shouted before running over and grabbing Paul's face and kissing his forehead four times before running back to me and jumping on my lap, before I had time to say anything he connected his lips with mine, placing the roughest kiss I'd had in a while on them. "We can be us!" He shouted gleefully, his whole face lighting up. I laughed, hugging his close to my chest. 

I pushed Niall off gently, standing up and nodding at Paul. "Thanks mate." I said, smiling widely. 

"I'll ring you tomorrow, down low till then yeah?" He said, shooing us out the room. I grabbed Niall's hand, pulling him through the office blocks and towards the car, when we got in, he pulled himself as close towards me as he could, meaning his stomach was attacked by the gearstick. It was clear to see he didn't care, kissing me all over my head. 

"I love you Louis Tomlinson!" He said happily.

"I love you too Ni." I agreed, chuckling once again. 

We pulled out the car park, driving the familiar route to Danielle's flat. "Shall we tell the boys?" I asked Niall. 

"Where are they today?" Niall questioned. 

"Well Liam's obviously at Danielle's and then I think Harry is with Sally, Zayn is with Liam, I think ." I said just as we pulled up infront of Dani's flat.

"Tell Harry to get his arse over here then." Niall said as he climbed out. I followed his orders, texting Harry. 

We climbed up the stairs, knocking on the door of the flat. Liam opened it, a sleeping Daniel on his arm. "Oh thank god its you two!" He said happily, passing Daniel straight over to me and stepping aside so we could walk in. I stared down at Danny, whispering happy words to him as we walked into the living room and plopped ourselves on the sofa. "Hey!" Zayn said, he was sat on the other chair, staring intently at the T.V. Danielle rushed in, sitting down on the sofa next to Niall, looking rushed off her feet. "Your baby doesn't like me." She said. 

I laughed, Daniel had clearly been hard work whilst we were with management. 

"No, seriously, I think he doesn't like either of us." Liam said, sitting down on the arm of the sofa. "And despite the fact Zayn's the only person that could get him quiet he was no help." Liam glared at Zayn, who smirked and carried on staring at the T.V. 

"We're getting a nanny soon guys, and he's sleeping now isn't he?" Niall asked, smiling at Liam and Danielle. 

"It took a lot of effort to get him that way." Danielle muttered. 

Niall and I both burst out laughing. "He's an angel to us!" Niall said, giggling. 

"Not for  us." Liam replied. Just then there was a knock at the door. 

Liam jumped up, going to answer it. "Harry!" He said happily once it was open, smiling widely at what I assumed was the final member of our band at the door. "What you doing here?" 

"Louis texted me." He replied as he walked in, closing the door behind himself. 

I turned around, leaning over the sofa whilst trying to keep a steady hold of Danny. "Hey Haz." 

"What is it you wanted me here for?" Harry questioned, him and Liam joining the rest of us on the sofa. 

"We wanted you all here." Niall said, smiling. "We have news!" 

"What is it?" Zayn questioned, turning away from the T.V. for the first time. 

"Well, first, we're allowed to tell the press the whole truth about Danny and everything." 

"That's great guys!" Danielle said, shaking her bouncy curls as she turned to grin at us. 

"Not just that, guys, we're engaged!" Niall finished, now smiling from ear to ear.

"Oh my god guys, I'm so happy for you!" Liam shouted, only to wake up Daniel, who surprisingly stayed quiet and closed his eyes again, falling back asleep as quickly as he woke up, strange child. 

"Where's your rings?" Zayn questioned, glancing at our empty fingers. 

"It wasn't really a planned proposal, haven't got any yet." Niall explained. 

"That doesn't matter guys! This is such great news!" Harry squealed. 

"We know." I said, turning to my fiance, even now the brightness of his eyes, the perfectness of his body, the gorgeousness of his face, still amazed me. 

He winked at me, causing everything inside of me to melt into a million tiny little pieces. 

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